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Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)


Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question the

re will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),

B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding

letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 

Example: You will hear: W: I certainly hope the library will be open this Saturday.

M: The sign says library hours! Week days 8:00 am. to 9:00 pm. On Saturdays 9:00 to 5:00, closed Sunday. 

Q: When will the library be open on Saturday? 

You will read: 

A) 8:00 am. to 9:00 am.

B) 5:00 am. to 9:00 pm.

C) 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.

D) closed 

From the conversation we know that the two are talking about library hours. On week days the library is open from 8:00 am. to 9:00 pm. On Saturdays it is open from 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm. Therefore C) “9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.” is the correct answer. You should choose C) on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.

Sample Answer [A] [B] [C][KG-1*7]- [D]

1. A) She thought it was long. B) She liked it very much.

C) She didn’t like it because it was violent. D) She thought it was too boring. 

2. A) Five and a half years. B) Six years and six months.

C) Four and six months. D) Seven and a half years. 

3. A) An old gentleman. B) A constable.

C) A policewoman. D) An old gentleman wearing glasses. 

4. A) Either is right. B) Neither is good.

C) None is right. D) Both are good. 

5. A) By bus. B) By air.

C) By train. D) By car. 

6. A) A code number. B) An agent.

C) An airliner. D) A heavy bomber. 

7. A) They are talking about summer jobs.

B) They are talking about employment and unemployment.

C) They are talking about school laborers.

D) They are talking about child education. 

8. A) They had no time. B) They couldn’t afford it.

C) The old one was still in use. D) They both want to buy another new car.

9. A) Everyday except Thursday. B) Everyday.

C) Monday, Wednesday and Friday. D) Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

10. A) She likes to travel. B) She is fortune’s favorite.

C) She is a good photographer. D) She is a talented writer. 



Directions: In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of

each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 

Passage 1

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have heard. 

11. A) He thought that the doctor was telling a lie.

B) He thought that he was hopeful.

C) He thought that he was in despair and going to die.

D) He thought deaf meant nothing to him. 

12. A) After he had consulted doctors.

B) When he could not hear himself humming a tune.

C) When he heard a humming noise.

D) When the humming noise grew louder. 

13. A) Light music. B) Popular music.

C) Folk songs. D) Stormy, exciting music. 

14. A) The Story of Beethoven’s Life.B) Beethoven Becomes Deaf.

C) The Music of Beethoven.D) Beethoven’s Courageous Triumph over Tragedy

Passage 2

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have heard.

15. A) When they suffer from great hunger.B) When they lack food and

do not see any light.

C) When they live in darkness.D) When they loose weight. 

16. A) They do not grow old. B) They are afraid of light. 

C) They do not eat food at all. D) They die when they become a ball of cells. 

17. A) Sea worm. B) Anemones. C) Cells. D) Aging.


Passage 3

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have heard.

18. A) In the Atlantic Ocean. B) 145 miles from Hawaii.

C) Six miles from Hawaii. D) On an aircraft carrier. 

19. A) For two days. B) For three days.

C) For twelve days. D) For fifteen days. 

20. A) In the space module. B) Aboard the helicopter.

C) Aboard the carrier. D) In Houston. 


Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)  

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 

Passage 1

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

When we think about the effect of the Copernican view of the world of literature, we are likely to slip into exaggeration. It is often said that the removal of the earth from its central place in a comfortably ordered system to the status of a minor planet in vaster space was fatal blow to man’s sense of his own dignity. This idea is philosophically foolish and historically false. Throughout the Middle Ages, even though man was considered the special child of God, the earth was regarded as the poorest part of creation. Copernicus was only looking for a simpler pattern of the heavens than Ptolemy’s and he found it. Despite the work of Kepler, Galileo, and the Elizabethan experts, moreover, it took well over a century for the theory to win full acceptance even among the learned.

As late as 1643, a hundred years after Copernicus’book, a scientist named Browne declared movement of the earth impossible. The reasons for delayed victory were natural. Many educated as well as uneducated men resisted contradiction of the senses and the Bible, or of Aristotle, Ptolemy, and all tradition. Many others were simply unaware or indifferent, as most of us in the twentieth century felt no acute concern over Einstein’s discoveries. In either case, few had the mathematical knowledge needed for confirmation or even comprehension of the theory; indeed, the knowledge needed to confirm Copernicus was not fully available until Newton.

21. The Copernican theory gained wide acceptance as a result of the work of_________________________________.

A) Browne B) Kepler and Galileo

C) Einstein D) Aristotle and Ptolemy 

22. The author believes that the effect of the Copernican theory on literature_______________________________.

A) has not often been consideredB) resulted from man’s loss of dignity

C) contradicted the sensesD) can easily be overestimated 

23. To understand the Copernican theory, one had to _________________________________.

A) understand mathematics B) view the universe as an ordered system

C) have read the BibleD) accept the teaching of tradition 

24. The author believes that the slow reception of Copernicus’ theory__.

A) was due to Browne B) was to be expected

C) increased its influence D) has no historical parallels 

25. Which of the following does the author say about “a simpler pattern of the heavens”?

A) It was the object of Copernicus’ search.

B) It became common to the thinking of the Middle Ages.

C) It is considered to be philosophically foolish.

D) It depended on the idea that man was the special child of God. 

Passage 2

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

Allelomimetic behavior may be defined as behavior in which two or more individual animals do the same thing, with some degree of mutual simulation and coordination. It can only involve in species with sense organs that are well enough developed so that continuous sensory contact can be maintained. It is found primarily in vertebrate (脊椎動(dòng)物),in those species that are diurnal, and usually in those that spend much of their lives in the air, in open water or on open plains.

In birds, allelomimetic behavior is the rule rather than the exception, though it may occasionally be limited to particular seasons of the year as it is in the redwing blackbird. Its principal function is that of providing safety from predators(掠食者), partly because the flock can rely on many pairs of eyes to watch for enemies, and partly because if one bird reacts to danger, the whole flock is warned.

Among mammals, allelomimetic behavior is very rare in rodents (嚙齒動(dòng)物), which almost never move in flocks or herds. Even when they are artificially crowded to gether, they do not conform in their movements. On the other hand, such behavior is a major system among large hoofed mammals such as sheep.

In the pack-hunting carnivores(食肉類(lèi)飛禽), allelomimetic behavior has another function that of cooperative hunting for large prey(被捕食者)animals such as moose. Wolves also defend their dens as a group against larger predators, such as bears.Finally, allelomimetic behavior is highly developed among most primate groups, where it has the principal function of providing warning against predators, though combined defensive behavior is also seen in troops of baboons (狒狒)。 

26. The author implies that allelomimetic behavior occurs most often among animals that_________________________________.

A) prey on other animals

B) are less intelligent than their enemies

C) move in groups

D) have one sense organ that dominates perception 

27. Which of the following is most clearly an example of allelomimetic?

A) Bears hunting for carnivores. B) Cattle fleeing from a fire.

C) Horses running at a racetrack. D) Dogs working with police officers.

28. According to the passage the primary function of allelomimetic behavior in bird is to_______________________________.

A) defend nests against predators B) look at each other

C) locate prey D) warn against predators 

29. According to the passage, what happens to the behavior of rodents when they are artificially crowded together?

A) Their allelomimetic behavior increases.

B) Continuous cooperation between them is maintained.

C) They become aggressive and attack each other.

D) They show little allelomimetic behavior. 

30. Which of the following groups of human beings would probably show the

greatest amount of allelomimetic behavior?

A) A group of students taking a test.B) Tennis players competing in a tournament .

C) A patrol of soldiers scouting for the enemy.D) Drivers waiting for a traffic light to change. 

Passage 3

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Black Americans have served with honor in every American military action, though this fact is often omitted in history books. Even though black men almost had to beg to be allowed to serve in the Revolutionary War, they went on to serve well. Two blackmen, Oliver Cromwell and Prince Whipple, were with Washington when he crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day, 1776, to attack the British at Trenton.

A black man named Estabrook captured the Royal Army’s general Prescott Newport, and Peter Salem, a black, killed Major Pitcairn as he was savoring his expected victory at Bunker Hill.

Even though they were forced to serve in separated units, black soldiers distinguished themselves in combat. This was despite the fact that whites had long believed that blacks could neither command nor use firearms. In 1863, William Carney of the Massachusetts Colored Infantry received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his role in battles with the Plains Indians. Isaiah Dorman, Coster’s black scout, served and died at the Little Big Horn in 1876. Henry Flipper was the first black graduate of West Point in 1877.

In World War Ⅰ, 40,000 black American combat soldiers served with the French command. Neither U.S. nor British commanders would use these men. But Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts, soldiers in the 369th Infantry’s black “Hellfighters” were still the first Americans to win the Croix de Guerre, France’s top military award.During World War II over 600,000 black men and women served in the armed forces,

including some 400,000 who served overseas. Dorie Miller, a black mess attendant in navy, was one of our first heroes in this war. At Pearl Harbor during the  Japanese sneak attack, he manned a machine gun and shot down four planes. The black fighter pilots of Benjamin Davis, Jr. distinguished themselves throughout the war. They served most courageously during the Italian campaign. During the war in Vietnam, mainly because of civil rights pressures in America but also owing to the fine record of black military units, all American forces were fully integrated. Once again blacks played vital roles. And 13.2 percent of all war deaths were of blacks, even though blacks constitute only 11 percent of all Americans.

Black American soldiers continue to serve their land well.

31. The main idea of this passage is that_________________________________.

A) black Americans made contributions in the Revolutionary war

B) black Americans have admirably served their country in at least five wars

C) black Americans suffered a larger portion of war deaths in Vietnam than

did any other minorities

D) black Americans served under the French command in World WarⅠ. 

32. Benjamin Davis, Jr. was_______________________________.

A) one of black fighter pilots during World War I

B) commander of a group of black fighter pilots during World WarⅡ

C) one of the soldiers who crossed the Delaware with Washington in 1776

D) a scout for Coster and died at the Little Big Horn 

33. The passage implies that_______________________________.

A) black Americans were forced to fight in World War I

B) black Americans served in the military for a good life

C) Americans have been ignorant of the fact that blacks have played in America’s military history

D) black Americans went into war because of their courage 

34. The meaning of the word “savoring” is_______________________________.

A) demanding B) commanding

C) assuring D) enjoying 

35. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Black Americans played an important role in the wars in America.

B) None of the white fight pilots joined World WarⅡ.

C) The portion of deaths of blacks is larger than that of the whites.

D) All the statements are true. 

Passage 4

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

To Pacific people the coconut palm is the Tree of Life, and life itself often depends on its presence. This versatile and ubiquitous tree still keeps to itself the mystery of its geographical origins. Scientists may have theories, but most Pacific islanders believe that the coconut palm is of supernatural origin. Stray palms on uninhabited isles or in remote island valleys may appear wild and neglected to stranger, but chances are that some local family is watching and using them.On the other hand, the material culture of the islands is based on forest products in general, not just the coconut.

Melanesian craftsmen fashion their goods from bark, fiber, wood, and other plant parts. Stone, shell, and bone are found in great variety, feathers and shell are seen as ornaments. But it is the plants which form the structural materials or architecture and artifacts. Among Melanesia’s varied cultures, that of New Guinea’s Sepik River area is one of the richest in artifacts. An important source is the annual festival marking the harvest of the yamcrop, a hill-country staple. Yams of special size and character represent spirits of the dead, and the quality of a man’s yam crop is a measure of his prestige and his virility. A man and his family may not eat their own produce but must give it to a family of a nonrelated clan. Each phase of the growing cycle of the yam is marked with ceremonies and festivities culminating in the great harvest festival when the village square is filled with piles of yams. Many of the finest specimens are adorned with painted masks, feather headdresses, and jewelry. Each man or the tribe, similarly adorned, extols the virtues of his yams in  extravagant oratory, climaxing his presentation by pronouncing the name the family who is to receive his crop.

36. The passage suggests that the coconut palm is thought of by Pacific peoples as_________________________________.

A) a divine giftB) unique to their part of the world

C) the centre of their harvest festivals D) an essentially decorative tree

37. According to the passage, the coconut palm provides for the islands


A) the exclusive basis of their material culture

B) the important object of religious worship

C) the principal source for craftsmen’s ornaments

D) an important factor in a culture based on forest products 

38. The passage indicates that all of the following are used by Melanesian craftsmen EXCEPT_______________________________.

A) shell B) stone C) bone D) metal 

39. Within Melanesia, the Speik River area culture is apparently noted for its_________________________________.

A) craft objects B) agricultural produce 

C) forest products D) gifted orators 

40. We learn from the passage that a man from the Sepik River area culture will try to grow superior yams principally in order to_________________________________.
A) show that he works harder than othersB) honor the spirits of the dead
C) provide his family with nourishing foodD) demonstrate his own power and importance

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A)、B)、C)and D) Chose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 

41. To prevent flooding in summer the water flowing from the dam is constantly_______________________________by a computer.

A) managed B) graded C) monitored D) conducted 

42. I cannot understand how you_________________________________these depressing surroundings.

A) put up with B) get on with C) get into touch with D) carry on with 

43. The board of the company has decided to_________________________________its operation to include all aspects of the clothing business.

A) enlarge B) expand C) amplify D) extend 

44. Motorists_________________________________of speeding may be banned from driving for a year.

A) convicted B) arrested C) charged D) judged 

45. Dinner will be ready_________________________________but we have time for a drink before then.

A) currently B) lately

C) suddenly D) presently 

46. What is the_________________________________of this undertaking?

A) aspect B) purpose C) title D) scope

47. Switzerland is well-known for its impressive ountainous_________________________________.

 A) views B) scenes C) scenery D) Nature

48. Polar explorers have to be_________________________________to endure the climate and other hardships .

A) rough B) tough C) brave D) raw 

49. They had_________________________________with each other before they made the announcement .

A) confessed B) confined C) conferred D) confirmed

50. State university is a place suitable for you to_________________________________.

A) sit B) enroll C) encounter D) situate

51. When traveling, you are adavised to take travelers’ checks, which provide a secure____to carrying your money in cash.

A) substitute B) selection

C) preference D) alternative 

52. The club members voted to_________________________________the ban on smoking.

A) refrain B) inquire C) recess

D) abolish 

53. When the tire blew out , the rules Jack had learned in driving classes _______________________________him_________________________________safe.

A) carried…away B) carried…forward C) carried…off

D) carried…through 

54. Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first,

she_________________________________to be a champion.

A) came round B) turned out C) turned up

D) came out 

55. The_________________________________of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually makes jobs easier to do.

A) addition B) association C) application

D) affection 

56. The three climbers can employ a guide to_______________________________them on their way up the mountain.

A) guide B) conduct C) lead D)bring 

57. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been_________________________________with the theoretical aspects of the subject.

A) embraced B) adjusted C) alternated D) integrated 

58. He was usually very kind so that his sudden_______________________________greatly surprised us.

A) heartiness B) unhappiness C) harshness D) uprightness 

59. We can’t understand Uncle George, for he always _________________________________ whatever he says.

A) masters B) mumbles C) molests D) muzzles 

60. Jim and Mike tried to move the large rock but they could not_______________________________it.

A) arouse B) provoke C) budge D) dodge 

61. Those who_______________________________armed intervention in the internal affairs of ot

her countries are blind to the lessons of history.

A) advocate B) affirm C) avail D) applaud 

62. As steel plants have become more_______________________________, maintenance and adjustments of equipment have become a large share of the cost of running the plants.

A) allied B)drafted C) automated D) duplicated 

63. The local government is determined_______________________________prohibiting the sale and the use of drugs.

A) as regards B) concerning C) in connection with D)with a view to 

64. With all the alternatives resulting in failure, they had to_________________________________the original one.

A) turn to B) turn up C) turn out D) turn off 

65. The salesman’s_________________________________annoyed the old lady, but finally she gave in.

A) endurance B) assistanceC) persistence D) resistance

66. With an eighty-hour week and little change or enjoyment, life must have been very_________________________________for the nineteenth-century worker.

A) weary B) anxiousC) dark D) dreary 

67. This jewellery is_________________________________; it is made of glass and ordinary metals.

A) valuable B) invalidC) worthless D)invaluable 

68. The weather was_________________________________the exceptionally poor harvest.A) blamed for B) condemned for C) accused of D) criticized for 

69. A boy standing at the door_________________________________leaflets to all those who entered the hall.

A) gave away B) gave in C) gave out D) gave up

70. We’ve been friends for years and that’s why I couldn’t understand

his_________________________________towards me at the party yesterday evening.

A) friendship B) hospitalityC) hostility D) anger 

Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)

Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In the passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark(∧)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank. 

Every year,many foreign students go to America to study English.

Some of them will participate in a homestay program and live with an American family.However,others will take a different decision.They will live with friends from their own country.I believe that if a foreign student looks at both possibilities,he will decide to live with an American family.Even though there are one or two drawbacks to the homestay way,there are far more benefits.\;

In making his decision about how to live in the United States,the foreign student is smart to consider one or two disadvantages to live with an American family.

First of all,he must realize that he is going to feel homesick at first.Living in an American home with people of other language and culture may cause this feeling to increase.Also,the American family could become very protective of him.They

may ask him where he is going,when he leaves home and when he will return.Despite of these two disadvantages,there is a stronger argument in favor of living with Americans.\;

By living in an American home,the student has an opportunity to become familiar

with American customs and culture.For instance.he will learn the importance of family closeness.He can see how the children communicate with their parents and how the parents educate their children.He will not feel like a stranger because

the American family will help him adjusting to a new life.In an American home,he

can learn English fast.Family members can help him with his homeworks.When he speaks English,they can point out his errors.In the way,he can learn English naturally.\;

Although there are some disadvartage to live with an American family,there are 

heavier benefits.If the foreign student at first realizes the value of learning

about a new culture and improving his English at the same time,he will find studying there a very big experience.



Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic. “ Rechoice of professions[CD2]A Social Problem ”. You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below: 

1.下崗人員(laidoff workers)面臨一個(gè)嚴(yán)肅的問(wèn)題--再就業(yè)。




[1] [2] 下一頁(yè)  

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