http://childcarecurriculum.com 來源:恩波教育 點擊: 更新:2006-4-27

58. A) 考點 近義動詞辨析。A)creep(過去式crept)“(緩慢或悄悄的)行進”;B)stagger“搖晃”:stagger into a room蹣跚著走進房間;C)rush“沖,奔”:rush toward a door奔向門口;D)march“進軍,行進”:march around the playground繞操場列隊行進。

59. D) 考點 名詞辨析。根據(jù)常識,建筑物中是鋼筋結構,D正確。framework(1)“構架,框架”:a bridge with a metal framework金屬結構橋梁;(2)“結構,體系”:within the framework of traditional institutions and ideas在傳統(tǒng)習俗和思想的框框之內(nèi);institution“(教育、宗教等)機構;習俗”:an educational institution教育機構;terminal“末端,終點;終點站”:at the railroad terminal在鐵路終點站;sightseeing“觀光,游覽”。

60. A) 考點 形容詞辨析與邏輯照應。既然后面提到有些內(nèi)容相互矛盾,那一定內(nèi)容結構不協(xié)調(diào)。A)integrated“整體的,綜合的,(各部分)相互協(xié)調(diào)的”:an integrated personality完整的個性;B)informed“有知識的,見聞廣的”;C)intensive“加強的,深入細致的”:intensive training強化訓練;an intensive discussion of the plan對計劃的深入討論;D)inward“里面的,內(nèi)部的;內(nèi)心的”:an inward room內(nèi)室。

Part ⅣCloze

61. C) 根據(jù)句意,“食品銀行”的食物來自于什么地方,C項正確。result from表示“因為,由于”,意思不妥。
62. A) give away此處解釋為“送掉,贈送”,A項正確。give out“公布,發(fā)表;用完”;give over“移交;停止(做某事)”;give off“發(fā)出(氣味、信號等)”。
63. B)項正確。前半句意思是“食品銀行實行復雜而先進的倉儲式運作”,后半句是定語從句,由where引導,相當于during which。
64. D)根據(jù)前后動詞的意義確定該題選項,前面是“收集食品”,后面是“再分發(fā)食品”,中間應該取sort“對食品進行分類”,而不是process“對食品加工”,D項正確。
65. B)下文提到通過機構網(wǎng)絡提供服務,而不是直接發(fā)送食品,選B。
66. A)those in need意為“窮人”,符合上下文意思,A項正確。
67. C)前半句為否定,后半句是肯定,中間用instead連接。C項正確。
68. D)an extensive network意為“龐大的網(wǎng)絡”,D項正確。
69. B)根據(jù)句意,各個機構服務各自的社區(qū),應選respective。
70. D)參照上一句,community正確。
71. A)從上下文意思判斷,此處表示結果(therefore),而不是轉(zhuǎn)折(nevertheless),讓步(still)或?qū)Ρ龋╟onversely),A正確。
72. C) a number of后接復數(shù)名詞,a quantity of雖然也表示“大量”,一般不用于指人,如a quantity of meat,a quantity of vegetables,C項正確。
73. B)下文提到食品銀行還經(jīng)營兒童快餐和社區(qū)農(nóng)業(yè)項目,所以本題選other。
74. D) range from…to…是固定搭配:“從…到…不等;涉及從…到…”。
75. A)兒童快餐是課外食品供應項目的一部分,A項正確。
76. C)raise funds是詞組,意為“籌集資金”。
77. B)項正確,注意句末關鍵詞hungry,所以用feed“提供食物”。 
78. C)參看逗號前a hunger advocate“主張存在饑餓現(xiàn)象者”,后面應該是對饑餓現(xiàn)象的研究,選C。
79. A)本處的意思為“國內(nèi)饑餓現(xiàn)象這一問題”,應選issue,A項正確。
80. D)economic boom“經(jīng)濟繁榮”,形容詞作定語。 

Part ⅤWriting

寫作提示:本文要求寫一封貸款信。理由要充分,對學生來說,由于家庭困難而無法支付學費是不錯的話題。在行文時需注意句子結構的變化,簡單句、并列句和復雜句盡可能交叉使用。在涉及詞語的使用時,注意有意識的變化,比如“主修”可以表述為“major in”或“specialize in”;“學費”可以用expenses、tuition、fees等等;“經(jīng)濟困難”使用“financial burden/pressure/difficulties”。
A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan
Mar. 1
Dear Sir/Madame, 

I am a sophomore in Shanghai University, majoring in computer software. In the previous one and a half years I have been a model student and monitor of my class. 

However, since I registered here, the expenses have become a burden for my average family. You know, my parents are both laid-off workers, and, to make matters worse, my mother has suddenly fallen ill and is expecting a major operation. It will be beyond their ability to finance me through my remaining education. It is now a must for me to help relieve their financial pressure. So I’m applying to your bank for a loan of 10,000 yuan. If my application is approved, all the money will go to my tuition and fees for the coming academic years. 

I’ve made a detailed plan to arrange my school life. A part-time job as a family tutor will not be difficult to find and some work-study programs for students like me are also provided in our university. From these sources I will be able to earn more than enough to support myself. I guarantee that I will repay the loan within five years, that is, within two years after my graduation. Please have confidence in me: I have a very good credit record. 

I would be greatly obliged if my application is granted. Many thanks. 

Yours sincerely, 


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