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Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A

W:Would you like to order now?
M:Yes. Please show me the menu.
Q:Where are the man and the woman now?

【解析】D 從 order 和menu兩個詞中可以判斷說話人是在餐廳就餐。

W:How long have you been driving?
M:Actually I began driving when I was thirteen. But I didn’t get a license until I was sixteen.
Q:When did the man start driving?

【解析】C 說話人說自己十三歲就開始開車,十六歲拿到駕照。十六歲為干擾項,正確答案是十三歲。

W:Excuse me, could you please tell me when the bank is open?
M:It’s open from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays, and 10 am to 4 pm on Saturdays.
Q:When is the bank open?

【解析】A 女士問銀行何時開門,男士回答說平日里是上午九點到下午五點,周六是上午十點到下午四點。此處 weekdays 指“在每個周日, 在平日 (指星期一至星期五)”。

M:Didn’t you go shopping today? Where’s the tobacco you promised to bring me?
W:I planned to, but the car was out of order so I did some sewing instead.
Q:What did the woman do today?

【解析】B 男士問女士為何沒去購物。女士回答說本來打算去的,但是車子有點問題,所以就在家做了些針線活。

W:If any of you give me a hand, I could finish this job before five o’clock.
M:I would like to, but I can’t. Mr. Brown told me to type some letters before I go home.
Q:What did Mr. Brown ask the man to do?

【解析】C 男士跟女士解釋說我很樂意幫你,但是我沒辦法,布朗先生要我回家之前打印一些信件。從男士的回答中我們可以直接找到答案。

M:You work harder than Merry.
W:But Linda works even harder.
Q:Who works the hardest?

【解析】C 男士說女士比瑪麗工作努力,女士說琳達比自己還要努力。因此,工作最努力的人是琳達。

W:Would you like a cup of coffee to help you wake up?
M:A cup of coffee? I’ll need three or four.
Q:What does the man mean?

【解析】C 女士問男士是否需要一杯咖啡幫他清醒。男士回答說一杯不行,要三四杯。由此可見答案。

18. W:Excuse me, where’s the cashier’s office? I’ve come to pay a bill.
M:It’s on the 2nd floor, the 3rd room on the right.
Q:Where’s the cashier’s office?

【解析】A 女士問出納員的辦公室在哪兒,男士說在二樓右邊第三個房間。3rd room 為干擾項,2nd 才是正確答案。
 Now you’ll hear two long conversations.

Conversation One

M:I really don’t know what to do this summer. I can’t afford to just sit around, and there don’t seem to be any jobs available.

W:Why don’t you try house sitting? Last summer my friend Margaret house sat for the Dodds when they are away on vacation. Mr. Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn’t want it left empty.

M:You mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house?

W:It wasn’t that easy. She had to mow the lawn and water the house plants. And when Eric house sat for Dr. Cohen, he had to take care of her pets.

M:Housesitting sounds like a good job. I guess it’s a little like babysitting, expect you are taking care of the house instead of children.

W:The Student Employment Office still has a few jobs posted.

M:Do you just have to fill out an application?

W:Margaret and Eric had to interview with the house owners and provide three references each.

M:That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

W:Well, the house owners want some guarantee that they can trust the house sitter. You know, they want to make sure you’re not the type who’ll throw wild parties in their house, or move a group of friends in with you.

M:House sitters who do that sort of things probably aren’t paid then?

W:Usually they’re paid anyway just because the house owners don’t want to make a fuss. But if the house owner reported it, then the housesitter wouldn’t be able to get another job. So why don’t you apply?

M:Yeah, I think I will.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What does the man want to do this summer?

【解析】D 對話一開始男士即說暑假不能待著,但似乎沒有什么可行的工作,即說明他想假期做一份兼職。

20.What did the Dodds do when they went away last summer?

【解析】A Mr. Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn’t want it left empty. 從這一句中可以看出 Dodds一家去年夏天外出時,他們雇了Margaret 在他們家看家。

21.What is one responsibility the housesitter probably wouldn’t have?

【解析】C Housesitting sounds like a good job. I guess it’s a little like babysitting, expect you are taking care of the house instead of children. 從這句話中可看出 housesitting的工作類似于保姆 babysitting,只是除了要照顧孩子。

22.How do house owners determine the reliability of a housesitter?

【解析】B Margaret and Eric had to interview with the house owners and provide three references each. 從這句話中可以看出房屋主人對應(yīng)聘者進行了面試,并且每位應(yīng)聘者分別提供三份介紹信。

Conversation Two

M:You’ve worked in a university before, haven’t you?

W:Yes, in Britain, yes.

M:What, how do students go about getting jobs when they graduate?

W:Well, most universities have a Careers Advice Service. I used to know the people in the Careers Service in Newcastle University and they, in fact, seem fairly successful in finding jobs for students. They are able to get jobs for 3040% of new graduates.

M:That seems a fairly low percentage.

W:Well...it’s not if you consider the various other options which people take up. For example, there are a fair number of people I don’t remember the exact number, who go into further study, who carry straight on into master’s degrees. Either at the same university or another university. So that’s fair chunk. Then there are others, a second group of people, who decide not to take a career job immediately after university. Instead, they decide to take time off, maybe see the world, and...and...well there is a third group, the people who can’t actually get the jobs they wait for a job they really want. So when I say 3040% find jobs through the careers service, that doesn’t mean that only that number find jobs. A lot of other people find jobs through the newspapers.

M:So it is quite high really, yes.

W:Oh, I think so, relatively, yes. And quite a lot of other people of course look in newspapers and the particular journals or magazines which advertise jobs in the fields they’re interested in.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard

23.What are the man and the woman talking about?

【解析】C 兩個人討論的是關(guān)于大學生畢業(yè)后找工作的問題,通過什么渠道找工作。Job hunting 即為找工作之意。

24.What is the percentage of college graduates getting jobs through university help?

【解析】B 女士介紹說大學里的介紹工作的服務(wù)機構(gòu)可以幫助30%-40% 的畢業(yè)生找到工作。四個選項里只有三分之一在這個數(shù)字范圍之內(nèi)。

25.What do most college graduates in Britain do when they graduate?

【解析】A 大多數(shù)畢業(yè)生畢業(yè)之后是去找工作,他們通過學校的工作介紹機構(gòu),或者通過報紙、雜志等找工作。



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