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English Weekly CET-4 Listening Practice Test Ⅶ

Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

11. M: I thought you would have the repairman come fix the water heater.

W: I tried calling him all day but his phone apparently was out of order.

Q: Why didn’t the woman have the repairman come?

12. M: Hello, this is Dr. Muller calling. Is that Mrs. Weiner?

W: No, this is Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. Weiner’s sister. Mrs. Weiner isn’t in right now. Can I take a message?

Q: Who answered the phone?

13. M: This perfume is a present, so I would appreciate having it wrapped.

W: Our gift-wrapping department does that up on the third floor. The charge is quite reasonable.

Q: Who does the woman suggest should wrap the present?

14. W: My program says intermission is for thirty minutes. So Act II won’t begin before 9: 00.

M: Then let’s stretch our legs and get some refreshments in the lobby.

Q: What does the man suggest they do?

15. W: I can’t cash your traveler’s check without some identification like a driver’s license.

M: Since I have just arrived in the United States, I have only my passport. Will that do?

Q: Why does the man offer the woman his passport?

16. M: Yesterday, we went to Jane’s house to listen to records.

W: I heard that she has over 100 jazz records. Is that true?

Q: What do we learn about Jane?

17. W: I’m going to change the color of my hair when I’m 50 years old.

M: You are? Well, then when I’m 50, I’m growing a beard.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the present ages of the two?

18. W: Are you going to the movies tonight?

M: Only if I finish all my work first.

Q: What does the man’s comment suggest?

Now you’ll hear two long conversations.

Conversation One

M: How are your new neighbors?

W: They seem nice enough, but they have a son who is driving me crazy.

M: What do you mean?

W: He comes home every night around one o’clock with his car windows rolled down and the radio blaring. It stops as soon as he turns his car off, but by then, the kids are wide awake.

M: Oh, no.

W: Oh, yes. Sometimes it takes me until 2:00 am just to get them settled down again.

M: Have you tried talking to them?

W: We haven’t even met them yet, except to say a quick hello. I hate to get off on the wrong foot.

M: You are not going to like them when you do meet them if you keep on simmering.

W: I know, but I feel stupid complaining. It’s not as though he’s blasting his stereo all night.

M: You said yourself it’s driving you crazy.

W: Well, you know how early I have to be here at the office. I just haven’t got enough sleep and neither have the kids. They are so irritable when I get home in the afternoon.

M: Maybe you could go over sometime with a little gift, a plant for the yard or something. Then you could ask about their son, whether they have other children, and they will be sure to ask about yours.

W: Yes, and then what?

M: And then you could mention that the hardest thing at this stage is getting your kids to go to sleep at night.

W: And keeping them asleep.

M: That’s the idea and you should do it soon. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to do politely.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What bothers the woman?

20. Why is the woman unwilling to talk about the problem with her neighbor?

21. What does the man suggest the woman do?

22. Which of the following is NOT true according to the talk?

Conversation Two

M: Well, Claudia, how is your first day on campus working out?

W: Actually, I’m overwhelmed. This campus is too large. I’m not really sure how to get around. How about you?

M: Yeah, I’m having the same problem. That’s why we should leave a bit early to get to our biology class on time.

W1: That sounds like a good plan to me! It’s 9:30 right now. I think our class starts at 10:00 a.m.

M: Actually it starts at 10:15 a.m., which leaves us 45 minutes to find it. The schedule says the class is in the Darwin Building, but I can’t seem to find it on the map.

W1: Since we both don’t know where we are going, why don’t we ask that woman sitting on the bench, she seems to know her way around here.

M: All right, it can’t hurt to ask.

M: Excuse me Miss, could you tell us how to get to the Darwin Building?

W2: The Darwin Building? Oh yes, I remember… Do you see that building to our right there? That’s the East Dormitory. Next to it is the Science Library. What you should do is follow the path between those two buildings until you reach the other side. Then take the left-hand path and follow it to the end. It leads straight to the Darwin Building. Got it?

W1: I think so, after we pass between the Dorm and the Library, we follow the path to the left until the end of the road, then we should be there, right?

W2: Yes, that’s perfect.

M: Thank you very much, indeed.

W2: You are welcome.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. What is their first impression of the campus?

24. What are the two students doing?

25. What can we learn from the conversation?



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