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來源:考試吧 2017-05-29 10:04:38 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫





  Group Purchasing

  1. 現(xiàn)在團購很流行

  2. 團購有很多好處,但也有不少問題

  3. 我的建議


  Group Purchasing

  In recent years, a new type of online shopping is rapidly gaining popularity — group purchasing, which was originally introduced from foreign countries but is now widely accepted all over China. People can buy not only goods, but also all kinds of services on group purchasing sites.

  Group purchasing is very convenient, and saves people a lot of money. But it also has some problems. Since group purchasing is nothing more than another form of online shopping, the nature of it is no different from other online shopping patterns. Problems that exist in online shopping also can be found in group purchasing, like deceptive advertisements or poor after-sale services.

  In my opinion, we should treat group purchasing as a way of shopping and nothing more. We must be careful not to buy something we don’t need only to follow the fashion.


  Jogging has become the most popular individual sport in America. Many theories, even some mystical ones, have been advanced to explain the popularity of jogging. The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to maintain (or achieve )physical fitness.

  The most useful sort of exercise is exercise that develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems. If these systems are fit, the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden demand made by work or emergencies. One can train more specifically, as by developing strength for weight lifting or the ability to run straight ahead for short distances with great power s in football, but running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all parts of your body. It is worth noting that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can reduce heart disease, the number one cause of death in America. Only one sort of equipment is needed – a good pair of shoes. Physicians advise beginning joggers not to run in a tennis or gym shoe. Many design advances have been made in only the last several years that make an excellent running shoe in dispensable if a runner wishes to develop as quickly as possible, with as little chance of injury as possible. A good running shoe will have a soft pad for absorbing shock, as well as a slightly built-up heel and a full heelcup that will give the knee and ankle more stability. A wise investment in good shoes will prevent bilisters and the foot, ankle and knee injures and will also enable the wearer to run on paved or soft surfaces.

  No other special equipment is needed; you can jog in any clothing you desire, even your street clothes. Many joggers wear expensive, flashy warm –up suits, but just as many wear a simple pair of gym shoes and T-shirt; in fact, many people just jog in last year’s clothes. In cold weather, several layers of clothing are better than one heavy sweater or coat. If joggers are wearing several layers of clothing, they can add or subtract layers as conditions change.

  It takes surprisingly little time to develop the ability to run. The American Jogging Association has a twelve – week program designed to move form a fifteen-minute walk (which almost anyone can manage who is in reasonable health) to a thirty-minute run. A measure of common sense, a physical examination, and a planned schedule are all it takes.

  1.They main purpose of this passage is to _____.

  A.discuss jogging as a physical fitness program

  B.describe the type of clothing needed for jogging

  C.provide scientific evidence of the benefits of jogging

  D.distinguish between jogging as a “common sense “fitness program and a cult (崇拜) movement

  2.The most useful kind of exercise is exercise that ______.

  A.trains the body for weigh lifting

  B.enables a person to run straight ahead for short distances with great power

  C.is both beneficial and inexpensive

  D.develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems

  3.We can conclude from this passage that ______.

  A.because of jogging, heart disease is no longer an American problem

  B.jogging can be harmful if the runner is not properly prepared

  C.warm-up suits are preferable to gym shoes and T-shirts

  D.jogging is bad for the ankles and knees

  4.The author’s tone ______.

  A.skeptical B.aggressive C.approving D.purely objective

  5.As used in this passage, the word “mystical “ means ________.

  A.awesome B.horrifying C.a spirtual discipline D.vicious


  There are spectacular differences between financial markets on the Continent of Europe on the one hand, and in Britain on the other hand. In Britain, the market is really the City of London. It is a free market, and it controls most of the flow of savings to investment. On the Continent, either a few banks or government officials direct the flow of funds to suit their economic plans. In Germany the flow is directed by all-powerful banks. In Britain there is more free interplay of market forces and far fewer regulations, rules and “red tape”. A French banker summed it up this way: “On the Continent you can’t do anything unless you’re been told you can; in England on the other hand you can do everything as long as you haven’t been told not to.”

  There are many basic reasons for these differences. One is that Continental savers tend to prefer gold, cash or short-term assets. They invest only 10% of their savings in institutions like pension funds or insurance companies. But in Britain 50% of savings goes to them, and they, in turn, invest directly in equity market. A far lower proportion of savings is put in the banks in the form of liquid assets than on the Continent. Continental governments intervene directly or through the banks to collect savings together and transform them into medium or long-term loans for investment. The equity market is largely bypassed. On the Continent economic planning tends to be far more centralized than in Britain. In Britain it is possible to influence decisions affecting the country’s economy from within the City. It attracts a skilled and highly qualified work force. In France, on the other hand, an intelligent young man who wants a career in finance would probably find the civil service more attractive.

  In Britain the market, or more accurately, money tends to be regarded as an end in itself. On the Continent it is regarded as a means to an end: investment in the economy. To British eyes continental systems with possible exception of the Dutch seem slow and inefficient. But there is one outstanding fact the City should not overlook. Britain’s growth rates and levels of investment over the last ten years have been much lower than on the Continent. There are many reasons for this, but the City must take part of the blame. If it is accepted that the basic function of a financial market is to supply industry and commerce with finance in order to achieve desired rates of growth, it can be said that by concentrating on the market for its own sake the City has tended to forget that basic function.

  1.What is the best title of the passage?

  A.Savings and the Growth Rate.

  B.Banking and Finance: Two Different Realities.

  C.Monetary Policy in Britain.

  D.The European Continent and Britain.

  2.What seems to be the most fundamental reason for this difference?

  A.The British tend to regard money as an end, whereas Continental European consider it a means to an end.

  B.The British invest only 10% of their savings in pension funds.

  C.On the Continent you can’t do anything unless you have been told you can.

  D.Intelligent young men who want a career tend to go to civil service on the Continent.

  3.According to the passage, the Dutch way of finance and banking ___.

  A.is similar to that of the French.

  B.makes no difference whatever system it is compared to.

  C.is perhaps resembling that of the British.

  D.has a low efficiency.

  4.The word “outstanding” in Line 4, Para 3___





  5.In what way does the continental system seem better?

  A.The Continent maintains a higher growth rate and levels of investment.

  B.It has less proportion of savings in the form of liquid assets.

  C.It attracts intelligent young men.

  D.In functions properly despite the fact that the British discount it.



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