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  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

  Education is a long process that not only provides us with basic skills such as literacy and numeracy, but is also essential in shaping our future lives. From the moment we enter 47 as small children, and as we progress through primary and secondary education, we are laying the foundation for the life ahead of us. We must 48 ourselves to work hard so that we can pass exams and gain the qualifications we will need to 49 a good job. We must also acquire 50 life skills so that we can fit in and work with those around us. And of course health education helps us to understand how we can stay 51 and healthy.

  For most people, this process ends when they are in their mid-to-late teens. For others, however, it is the beginning of a(n) 52 of learning. After they finish school, many progress to 53 education where they will learn more useful skills such as computer literacy or basic business management. Others will enroll in a program of 54 education at a university where, with hard work, they will have the opportunity to graduate after three or four years with a well-earned degree. After that, they may work for a while before 55 to study for a higher degree—an M.A., for example, or a PhD. And if they live a long way from a college or university, they might follow a correspondence course using mail and the Internet. In fact, it is 56 due to the proliferation of computers that many people, who have not been near a school for many years, have started to study again and can proudly class themselves as mature students.

  [A] changing

  [B] secure

  [C] longer

  [D] kindergarten

  [E] higher

  [F] lifetime

  [G] deepen

  [H] largely

  [I] discipline

  [J] fit

  [K] opting

  [L] school

  [M] valuable

  [N] heavily

  [O] further

  Section B

  Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

  Passage One

  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  The Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday that it is trying to track down as many as 386 piglets that may have been genetically engineered and wrongfully sold into the U.S. food supply.

  The focus of the FDA investigation is on pigs raised by researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. They engineered the animals with two genes: one is a cow gene that increases milk production in the sow; the other, a synthetic gene, makes the milk easier for piglets to digest. The goal was to raise bigger pigs faster.

  There has been no evidence that either genetically altered plants or animals actually trigger human illness, but critics warn that potential side effects remain unknown. University officials say their tests showed the piglets were not born with the altered genes, but FDA rules require even the offspring of genetically engineered animals to be destroyed so they won't get into the food supply.

  The FDA, in a quickly arranged news conference on Wednesday prompted by inquiries by USA TODAY, said the University of Illinois would face possible sanctions and fines for selling the piglets to a livestock broker, who in turn sold them to processing plants.

  Both the FDA and the university say the pigs that entered the market do not pose a risk to consumers. But the investigation follows action by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in December to fine a Texas company that contaminated 500,000 bushels of soybeans with corn that had been genetically altered to produce a vaccine for pigs.

  Critics see such cases as evidence of the need for more government oversight of a burgeoning(新興的)area of scientific research. "This is a small incident, but it's incidents like this that could destroy consumer confidence and export confidence," says Stephanie Childs of the Grocery Manufacturers of America. "We already have Europe shaky on biotech. The countries to which we export are going to look at this."

  The University of Illinois says it tested the DNA of every piglet eight times to make sure that the animal hadn't inherited the genetic engineering of its mother. Those piglets that did were put back into the study. Those that didn't were sold to the pig broker. "Any pig that was tested negative for the genes since 1999 has been sent off to market," says Charles Zukoski, vice chancellor for research.

  But FDA deputy commissioner Lester Crawford says that under the terms of the university's agreement with the FDA, the researchers were forbidden to remove the piglets without FDA approval. "The University of Illinois failed to check with FDA to see whether or not the animals could be sold on the open market. And they were not to be used under any circumstance for food."

  The FDA is responsible for regulating and overseeing transgenic animals because such genetic manipulation is considered an unapproved animal drug.

  57. The 386 piglets wrongfully sold into food supply are from ________.

  [A] Europe [B] an American research organization

  [C] a meat processing plant [D] an animal farm

  58. The purpose of the transgenic engineering research is to ________.

  [A] get pigs of larger size in a shorter time

  [B] make sows produce more milk

  [C] make cows produce more milk

  [D] make pigs grow more lean meat

  59. The 4th paragraph shows that the University of Illinois ________.

  [A] was criticized by the FDA

  [B] is in great trouble

  [C] is required by the FDA to call back the sold piglets

  [D] may have to pay the penalty

  60. The FDA declares that the wrongfully sold piglets ________.

  [A] may have side effects on consumers [B] may be harmful to consumers

  [C] are safe to consumers [D] may cause human illness

  61. It can be inferred from this passage that ________.

  [A] all the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

  [B] part of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

  [C] none of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

  [D] half of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

  Passage Two

  Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

  A class action lawsuit has been filed against a prominent Toronto doctor by patients who allege he injected a banned substance into their faces for cosmetic purposes. The doctor had already been investigated for more than three years for using the liquid silicone, a product not authorized for use in Canada.

  Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. what she says he didn't tell her is that it isn't approved for use in Canada. "I didn't know what liquid silicone was and he just called it 'liquid gold'," Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone two years earlier by Health Canada. Experts say silicone can migrate through the body, and cause inflammation and deformities.

  "My upper lip is always numb and it burns," Barbiero says. Barbiero is spearheading(帶頭)a lawsuit against the doctor, who her lawyer thinks might involve up to 100 patients injected with the same material. "The fact, a physician of his stature would use an unauthorized product on a patient because he thought it was okay, is really very disturbing," says lawyer Douglas Elliott.

  Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons is also investigating Dr. Pollack to see if, in fact, he continued to use the silicone after agreeing to stop and whether he wrote in patient records that he used another legal product when he used silicone. However, in a letter to the College, Dr. Pollack wrote that he had always told patients that the silicone was not approved for sale in Canada, and had warned them of the risks. And in Barbiero's case, "...at the time of her first visit, prior to her ever receiving IGLS treatment, I specifically informed her that the material was not approved for sale in Canada by the Health Protection Branch and that I did receive the material from outside the country ...I would like to emphasize that, as is evident on Ms. Barbiero's chart, I drew a specific diagram on the chart which I carefully discussed with and explained to Ms. Barbiero as I did with every other patient to explain the nature and likelihood of complications and the reasons and consequences of those possible complications."

  Dr. Pollack declined to speak to CTV News, or to have his lawyer discuss the case. None of the allegations have been proven in court. But the case raises questions about the ability of governing bodies to monitor doctors. "There's a larger message and that is: buyer beware," says Nancy Neilsen of Cosmetic Surgery Canada, "It's incumbent(負(fù)有義務(wù)的)on consumers to do their research."

  62. Doctor Sheldon Pollack was charged that ________.

  [A] he had prescribed wrong medicine for patients by mistake

  [B] he had treated his patients with something illegal, causing bad result

  [C] he had pretended to be a prominent surgeon

  [D] he had sold an unauthorized product in large amount

  63. What does the word "dermatologist" (Line 2, Para. 2) mean?

  [A] A person whose work is filling, cleaning and taking out teeth.

  [B] A person whose work is studying mental diseases.

  [C] A person whose work is healing eye diseases.

  [D] A person whose work is curing skin diseases.

  64. The investigation of Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons is to find ________.

  [A] whether he still has illegal treatment on his patients

  [B] how many patients have been abused

  [C] if he told his patients about the risk

  [D] how much money he got from his illegal treatment

  65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  [A] Barbiero took the treatment after being told the risk.

  [B] Dr. Sheldon Pollack started his work with the patients' agreement to accept the potential risk.

  [C] A famous doctor should be authorized to use something he thinks okay on patients.

  [D] Barbiero is suffering a lot.

  66. From the ending part of the passage, we can conclude that________.

  [A] Barbiero will win the lawsuit

  [B] Dr. Sheldon Pollack will win the lawsuit

  [C] the cases have been dismissed

  [D] governing bodies to monitor doctor will be charged

  Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

  87. A report said ________________________(這里只剩下不過30只野生野生老虎).

  88. In modern times, several people ________________________(在那瀑布上走過,他們大多數(shù)是有意的).

  89. Had I seen the film, ________________________(我昨晚就和你討論該問題了).

  90. There, in the mud, were footprints—footprints ________________________(幾乎是正常人腳的十倍大).

  91. All of us have read thrilling stories ________________________(故事中的主人公只能活一段很有限的時(shí)光).


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