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來源:考試吧 2015-12-16 11:52:40 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫

  Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

  Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

  Will Electronic Medical Records Improve Health Care?

  Electronic health records (EHRs) have received a lot of attention since the Obama administration committed $19 billion in stimulus funds earlier this year to encourage hospitals and health care facilities to digitize patient data and make better use of information technology. The healthcare industry as a whole, however, has been slow to adopt information technology and integrate computer systems, raising the question of whether the push to digitize will result in information that empowers doctors to make better-informed decisions or a morass of disconnected data.

  The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) knows firsthand how difficult it is to achieve the former, and how easily an EHR plan can fall into the latter. UPMC has spent five years and more than $1 billion on information technology systems to get ahead of the EHR issue. While that is more than five times as much as recent estimates say it should cost a hospital system, UPMC is a mammoth network consisting of 20 hospitals as well as 400 doctors' offices, outpatient sites and long-term care facilities employing about 50,000 people.

  UPMC's early attempts to create a universal EHR system, such as its ambulatory electronic medical records rolled out between 2000 and 2005, were met with resistance as doctors, staff and other users either avoided using the new technology altogether or clung to individual, disconnected software and systems that UPMC's IT department had implemented over the years.

  On the mend

  Although UPMC began digitizing some of its records in 1996, the turning point in its efforts came in 2004 with the rollout of its eRecord system across the entire health care network. eRecord now contains more than 3.6 million electronic patient records, including images and CT scans, clinical laboratory information, radiology data, and a picture archival and communication system that digitizes images and makes them available on PCs. The EHR system has 29,000 users, including more than 5,000 physicians employed by or affiliated with UPMC.

  If UPMC makes EHR systems look easy, don't be fooled, cautions UPMC chief medical information officer Dan Martich, who says the health care network's IT systems require a "huge, ongoing effort" to ensure that those systems can communicate with one another. One of the main reasons is that UPMC, like many other health care organizations, uses a number of different vendors for its medical and IT systems, leaving the integration largely up to the IT staff.

  Since doctors typically do not want to change the way they work for the sake of a computer system, the success of an EHR program is dictated not only by the presence of the technology but also by how well the doctors are trained on, and use, the technology. Physicians need to see the benefits of using EHR systems both persistently and consistently, says Louis Baverso, chief information officer at UPMC's Magee-Women's Hospital. But these benefits might not be obvious at first, he says, adding, "What doctors see in the beginning is that they're losing their ability to work with paper documents, which has been so valuable to them up until now."

  Opportunities and costs

  Given the lack of EHR adoption throughout the health care world, there are a lot of opportunities to get this right (or wrong). Less than 10 percent of U.S. hospitals have adopted electronic medical records even in the most basic way, according to a study authored by Ashish Jha, associate professor of health policy and management at Harvard School of Public Health. Only 1.5 percent have adopted a comprehensive system of electronic records that includes physicians' notes and orders and decision support systems that alert doctors of potential drug interactions or other problems that might result from their intended orders.

  Cost is the primary factor stalling EHR systems, followed by resistance from physicians unwilling to adopt new technologies and a lack of staff with adequate IT expertise, according to Jha. He indicated that a hospital could spend from $20 million to $200 million to implement an electronic record system over several years, depending on the size of the hospital. A typical doctor's office would cost an estimated $50,000 to outfit with an EHR system.

  The upside of EHR systems is more difficult to quantify. Although some estimates say that hospitals and doctor's offices could save as much as $100 million annually by moving to EHRs, the mere act of implementing the technology guarantees neither cost savings nor improvements in care, Jha said during a Harvard School of Public Health community forum on September 17. Another Harvard study of hospital computerization likewise determined that cutting costs and improving care through health IT as it exists today is "wishful thinking". This study was led by David Himmelstein, associate professor at Harvard Medical School.

  The cost of getting it wrong

  The difference between the projected cost savings and the reality of the situation stems from the fact that the EHR technologies implemented to date have not been designed to save money or improve patient care, says Leonard D'Avolio, associate center director of Biomedical Informatics at the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center (MAVERIC). Instead, EHRs are used to document individual patients' conditions, pass this information among clinicians treating those patients, justify financial reimbursement and serve as the legal records of events.

  This is because, if a health care facility has $1 million to spend, its managers are more likely to spend it on an expensive piece of lab equipment than on information technology, D'Avolio says, adding that the investment on lab equipment can be made up by charging patients access to it as a billable service. This is not the case for IT. Also, computers and networks used throughout hospitals and health care facilities are disconnected and often manufactured by different vendors without a standardized way of communicating. "Medical data is difficult to standardize because caring for patients is a complex process," he says. "We need to find some way of reaching across not just departments but entire hospitals. If you can't measure something, you can't improve it, and without access to this data, you can't measure it."

  To qualify for a piece of the $19 billion being offered through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), healthcare facilities will have to justify the significance of their IT investments to ensure they are "meaningful users" of EHRs. The Department of Health and Human Services has yet to define what it considers meaningful use

  Aggregating info to create knowledge

  Ideally, in addition to providing doctors with basic information about their patients, databases of vital signs, images, laboratory values, medications, diseases, interventions, and patient demographic information could be mined for new knowledge, D'Avolio says. "With just a few of these databases networked together, the power to improve health care increases exponentially," D'Avolio suggested. "All that is missing is the collective realization that better health care requires access to better information—not automation of the status quo." Down the road, the addition of genomic information, environmental factors and family history to these databases will enable clinicians to begin to realize the potential of personalized medicine, he added.

  1. In America, it is slow to adopt information technology because —————.

  A) the funds invested by the government is not enough in the past

  B) EHRs have received less attention of the public in the past

  C) whether it will be useful to doctors or not is doubtful

  D) UPMC knows how difficult it is to digitize the hospital

  2. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) —————.

  A) is the first medical center to adopt information technology

  B) satisfy the requirement of the government on information technology

  C) spent less money on information technology than it was estimated

  D) attempted to created a universal EHR system, but met some difficulties

  3. The health care network’s IT systems require a lot of effort to ensure it can communicate with one another mainly because —————..

  A) the integration among different system is largely up to the IT staff

  B) UPMC is like many other health care organizations in the United States

  C) UPMC makes EHR systems look easy

  D) UMPC began digitizing some of its records in 1996

  4. The success of the EHR program is decided by —————..

  A) the fact whether the information technology is available or not

  B) the fact how well the doctors are trained to use the information technology

  C) not only the presence of the technology but the doctor’s training on technology

  D) the fact whether physicians can see the benefits of using EHR systems

  5. The most important reason of most hospitals being reluctant to adopt EHR system is that —————.

  A) the cost is too high for the hospital to afford

  B) physicians are unwilling to adopt it

  C) there is a lack of staff with adequate IT expertise

  D) doctor worry about its negative influence on patients

  6. According to the study led by David Himmelstein through health IT —————.

  A) it is possible to cut the costs of the hospital

  B) it is possible to improve the health care

  C) it ensure neither cost saving nor improvement in care

  D) it could save as much as $100 million annually

  7. The hospital’s managers prefer to —————.

  A) spend money on an expensive piece of equipment than on information technology

  B) charge patients access to the information technology as a billable service

  C) purchase the information technology to improve the health care of the hospital

  D) invest more money on the training of the physicians to charge patients more money

  8. Jha said the mere act of implementing the technology guarantees ______________________.

  9. D'Avolio says the investment on lab equipment can be made up by_____________________.

  10. Databases of vital signs, images, laboratory values, medications, diseases, interventions, and patient demographic information could be ____________________.

  Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)



  消防隊無意之中淹沒了Mad Gab's的總部,Mad Gab's是Gabrielle Melchionda二十多年前建立的美容公司。盡管Melchionda知道,保險公司會替她換掉損壞的桌椅、電腦以及唇膏架子,但她仍淚流滿面。然而,讓她吃驚的是,隨后幾個月,才是真正的痛苦,她一直虧欠工資和租金,銷售額慢的像涓涓細流。



  獨立的保險代理人Steven Spiro說,“一般來講,干小生意的人并不太清楚他們擁有或需要的保險范圍”。他解釋,這些人買保險只是為了遵守辦公室租賃條約的要求。






  也要理解,大部分代理人只注意保險。美國保險研究所主要從事小本生意研究的專家Arthur Flitner說,“有時候,沒有保險,你的問題反而可能處理的更好!北热缯f,建立基金以備不時之需,自己為自己投保來應對某些財產風險;或執(zhí)行嚴格的雇傭政策,減少訴訟風險,從經濟角度來看,這些更有意義。








  要注意共同保險條款,如果保險公司認為投保金額不足,這個條款允許保險公司只賠償部分損失。讓代理人加上“協定保險價額 ”,你和保險公司認同一個合適的保險價值。這可能讓保險費提高15%,卻減少了隨后的爭端。





  【7】公共調解員George Von York說,“這是場賭博”。他幫助業(yè)主和保險公司談判,以期獲得更多賠償。“大部分人一輩子也沒有得到實在的賠償。但是,孩子,在你需要時,最好還是有保險。”

  1. 答案 A


  2. 答案D

  解析:題干中的人名Gabrielle Melchionda出現在文章一開始。文章開頭講述Melchionda女士的遭遇。因為沒有!捌髽I(yè)停頓保險”,Melchionda女士蒙受了損失,感到痛苦。答案D是正確選項。

  3. 答案B

  解析:題干中in that相當于連詞because,表示原因?碱}考查買保險為什么讓人感到害怕?忌啥ㄎ辉谖恼碌牡谖宥,文章提及有些是忠告,有些卻是在利用投保人,而這之間很難分辨。選項B是對此句話的總結。

  4. 答案C

  解析:考題考查在特定的情況下,投保人應該如何做。考生可根據題干中“如果你的運作有很大風險”,將答案定位在第一個小標題picking an agent的最后兩段,文章講到,此時你需要雇風險咨詢師,所以選項C是正確答案。

  5. 答案A

  解析:考題問到,州法律要求的保險是什么?第二個小標題picking a policy下面的第三段中講“員工賠償保險是州法律要求”,所以選項A是正確答案。

  6. 答案D

  解析:根據題干中的“worker's compensation”,考生可繼續(xù)鎖定第二個小標題下的第三段,原文中講“Rates vary widely by industry and occupation”,其中vary意為“不同,變動”,和選項D中的be different同義。

  7. 答案B

  解析:根據題干中的人名George Von York,考生可鎖定文章的最后一段,George Von York認為保險就是一場賭博,一輩子可能用不到,可是又不能沒有,如果有可能,你還是需要買保險。從中可以看出George Von York的態(tài)度,他是建議人們買保險的,而選項C是個干擾項,他并不是向投保人收費很高,而是幫助投保人獲得更高的索賠。

  8. 答案equipment in your office

  解析:根據題干,考生可找到第二個小標題picking a policy下面的第四段,它講到財產保險涵蓋的方面。

  9. 答案available

  解析:根據題干,考生可鎖定第二個小標題picking a policy下面的第七段,原文講到買這種保險的條件。

  10. 答案a temporary office or equipment

  解析:根據題干中的business interruption insurance,考生可鎖定第二個小標題picking a policy下面的第八段,文中提及“企業(yè)停頓保險”的承保內容。

  Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)



  消防隊無意之中淹沒了Mad Gab's的總部,Mad Gab's是Gabrielle Melchionda二十多年前建立的美容公司。盡管Melchionda知道,保險公司會替她換掉損壞的桌椅、電腦以及唇膏架子,但她仍淚流滿面。然而,讓她吃驚的是,隨后幾個月,才是真正的痛苦,她一直虧欠工資和租金,銷售額慢的像涓涓細流。



  獨立的保險代理人Steven Spiro說,“一般來講,干小生意的人并不太清楚他們擁有或需要的保險范圍”。他解釋,這些人買保險只是為了遵守辦公室租賃條約的要求。






  也要理解,大部分代理人只注意保險。美國保險研究所主要從事小本生意研究的專家Arthur Flitner說,“有時候,沒有保險,你的問題反而可能處理的更好!北热缯f,建立基金以備不時之需,自己為自己投保來應對某些財產風險;或執(zhí)行嚴格的雇傭政策,減少訴訟風險,從經濟角度來看,這些更有意義。








  要注意共同保險條款,如果保險公司認為投保金額不足,這個條款允許保險公司只賠償部分損失。讓代理人加上“協定保險價額 ”,你和保險公司認同一個合適的保險價值。這可能讓保險費提高15%,卻減少了隨后的爭端。





  【7】公共調解員George Von York說,“這是場賭博”。他幫助業(yè)主和保險公司談判,以期獲得更多賠償!按蟛糠秩艘惠呑右矝]有得到實在的賠償。但是,孩子,在你需要時,最好還是有保險!


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