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  Conversation One

  W: Can I help you?

  M: Yes, I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system in the United States.

  W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store. Is this a required text for one of the University’s political science courses?

  M: No, it isn’t. I’ve already looked through all the political science books in the back, but the ones I saw only had a few pages, at most, on the topic.

  W: How about the paperback section? There may be something there.

  M: Okay.

  W: Or better yet, you should try looking in Books in Print.

  M: I’ve never heard of that. What is it?

  W: It’s an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers. If you have a specific book in mind, you can look under the author’s last name.

  M: But I don’t.

  W: Then look directly under your subject, presidential elections.

  M: What happens if I find a book I want?

  W: Well, if it’s not in stock, we can order it for you.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What is the man looking for?

  【解析】選[B]。男士說“I’m looking for a book on the presidential election system...”,后來說到“I’ve already looked through all the political science books”,由此可以推斷,a book on the presidential election system屬于the political science books。因此,他要尋找的是[B] A political science book。

  20. Where does the woman first direct the man to?

  【解析】選[C]。當男士說需要一本關于總統選舉體制的書時,女士以為他說的是textbook,于是馬上說“all of our textbooks are ...in the back of the store”。因此,選項[C]符合題干要求。

  21. What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print?

  【解析】選[C]。女士說“you should try looking in Books in Print”,在男士不知道什么是Books in Print的情況下,女士解釋說,Books in Print是“an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers”,選項[C]符合題干要求。注意,in print是指“(books)currently available from publishers,正在出售的”;out of print是它的反義詞組,表示“已售完”,也很常用。

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