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  \[范文1\] Lucky NumberMy friend Mary was born on June 13th, 1977. She is always dissatisfied with her birthday because “13” is an “evil” number. There are lots of people who are convinced that good numbers bring good luck and bad numbers bring disasters. Hence, 13, 4 and other socalled evil numbers are wiped off from cards, list, menus, etc. Even in some cities, there is no bus No.13 or No.13 Street.I don’t think numbers have anything to do with luck. Numbers were created for counting. There is no relationship between a certain number and one’s fate. There are many people who succeed in spite of “close relationship” with bad numbers. There are also a lot of people, who should have been blessed by “l(fā)ucky” numbers, involved in accidents. Take my friend Mary for example. She achieved a good study at the nation’s most prestigious university and later gained good reputation in her career. Her luck is not a bit damaged by her “bad birthday”.In a word, numbers are numbers. They stand for nothing but quantity. Numbers have nothing to do with luck.

  \[范文2\] On Making FriendsAs a human being, one can hardly do without a friend. If we don’t have a friend in the world, our life will not be interesting and we cannot live more happily.But what is true friendship? True friendship can share happiness and sadness with you. A bad friend, on the other hand, only loves you when you are lucky and rich. When you become poor and powerless they will desert you. We all know, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. So, we need to take the persons who are dedicated to the contribution of our relationship as our real friends.I choose my friends only when they can share not only my happiness but also my sadness.

  \[范文3\] BicycleAn Important Means of Transport in ChinaChina is called the “kingdom of bicycles”, because there are thousands of millions of bicycles in China and bicycles are the most important means of transport in China.Why are bicycles so popular in our country? On the one hand, its price fits for common people’s income. For example, we only pay three hundred yuan for a quite good bicycle. On the other hand, lots of people go out by bicycles to avoid traffic jam. So bicycles save time and money for Chinese people. Furthermore, riding bicycles recommends an effective way to keep fit for those who work in offices and are lack of exercises.Many believe that cars are much better than bicycles because cars are far more comfortable, and cars travel much faster and quite a longer distance than bicycles. But cars cause serious pollution as well. According to the present traffic condition, cars often slow down in crowded cities. Owning a car means spending a lot of money not only in buying it but also in keeping it. Sometimes we cannot even afford expensive gasoline. At night, we have to find places to park our cars. Compared with cars, bicycles are clean and cheap, convenient and easy to park.Following the high speed of the development of China’s economy, I think the number of bicycles may reduce, and that of cars may increase. But we must admit that a bicycle will still remain its important role in Chinese people’s daily life because of its own advantages as well as China’s special national condition.

  \[范文4\] To Communicate by Letter or by TelephoneIn the modern times, there are many ways for people to communicate, among which are telephone calls and writing letters. Some people prefer the former; others the latter.Compared with the telephone calls, I like letter writing better, because letter writing is mush more personal than the telephone. Perhaps it is more practical and convenient to use the telephone in the business world, but you do need to write to some people who are intimate to you. On the one hand, when writing letters, you can take your time and fully express your ideas and feelings. In this way, you and your friend will get closer emotionally. This can certainly not be achieved by using the telephone.On the other hand, while people may soon forget what has been talked about on the phone, they can read letters again and again, enjoying the content as well as the everlasting friendship. One more advantage of letters is that they don’t disturb them. If a letter is from someone you don’t like, you can throw it away without being troubled in any way. Unfortunately, the telephone is our enemy in this aspect.In short, I think if you have time, it is better to write letters to friends than making telephone calls.

  \[范文5\] Which Part of the Newspaper Do You Prefer?I like reading newspapers. Each day after supper, I spend half an hour scanning the content of each page, including information about the weather, national and international news and advertisements of various kinds. But the page I read most often is the sports page.First, I like reading the sports news. I am a sports fan, but since life is busy and I cannot afford a lot of time watching various games, the newspaper has become an important way for me to get information about sports. I can know what matches are being held in the world, and who are the winners or losers by reading sports news. What attracts me most is what the Chinese sportsmen and sportswomen are doing. But since participating in a game is more important than winning or losing the game, I am always delighted to know that the Chinese are getting more and more involved in the international sports events.Second, I also enjoy reading the critical articles written about certain games. If I have watched a football game, for instance, I will have my own opinion on why and how one team had defeated the other. When reading the experts’ explanation and comments on the same match, I can learn a lot.In summary, the sports page is a place where I can find entertainment and learn more about sports. For these reasons, I read this page of the newspaper very often.

  \[范文6\] Pollution ControlThere are many cause of pollution. Let us have a look at some of them. First, there are so many cars in our cities, especially large ones. They give off waste, sometimes even poisonous gases. Second, many factories, such as papermaking ones, let their dirty water directly flow into our rivers and lakes. Third, farmers use more and more chemicals and pesticides. So, our fields are polluted.Of course, these pollutions are harmful to our health. Some rivers have become undrinkable. Some polluted food or vegetables can cause cancer and if we breathe dirty air into our lungs, we may fall ill.Now, some governments are taking measures to solve this problem. For example, our government is making a policy to punish the factories, which have made the Huai River very dirty. Also, our government is reducing the number of cars in Beijing. I think all these are very necessary. If we all work hard, this problem can be solved in the future.

  \[范文7\] Global Shortage of Fresh WaterMany people believe that fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such varieties of sources that it is always sufficient for us. Such opinion leads to surprising waste of water.As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world’s population, the rising demand of water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs.Therefore, it is up to us to find new ways to save water. First, we should make the best use of water, and not waste it. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify seawater, polluted water and try to find solutions in industry to reduce the use of fresh water.




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