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63.The work in the office was __________ by a constant stream of visitors.
C.reversed 轉變
D.hampered 阻礙
A.confused B.perplexed 使絕對意義同義詞不能選 都是困惑迷惑
bewilder 使困惑 迷惑
reverse 過程 決定 或政策轉至對立面
auto reverse 自動翻帶
inverse 相反的 反向的
versus 在比賽中與……相對 = V.S.
★hinder 阻礙
★hamper 阻礙
be hindered by a fact that
64.The joys of travel, having long ________ the disable , are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.
●●B.neglected 疏忽忽略(后面直接加賓語)
×C.missed 【dismiss 解散 開除 (miss — send missile 導彈)】
×D.discarded 【discard 拋棄】
the disabled 殘疾人(蔑視)
the disadvantaged 弱勢群體
means 方式(美國口語 卑鄙無恥)
★virtually 實質地 本質地
postitive 正面的
negative 負面的
『2000.1 第57題
The damage to his car was __________ ; therefore, he could repair it himself.
可以自我修復 損壞小 可以忽略不計
65.Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their woeking lives in the same field , ____________ the same company.
A.all else (all else 做主語標明其他任何一切)
B.much worse 更為糟糕地是
C.let alone (97.1 第64題)
D.less likely = unlikely 沒有可能
66.When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days, John was _________ pale.
▲A.startlingly 驚人地(▲strikingly 驚人地)
B.enormously 巨大地
C.uniquely 唯一地
D.dramatically 象喜劇一般緊張地 令人興奮地
pale 灰白
carve 刻
sculpture 雕塑
67.Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time ,but we shall keep your application on ___________ for two months.
A.pile 堆起來 一堆(沙發(fā)靠近)
B.segment 切開的部分 單獨的部分(恐怖小說的章節(jié))【episode 偵探小說的章節(jié) ; chapter 論文的章節(jié)】
C.file (keep on file 存檔 存放)
D.sequence 系列
★★68.It will be safer to walk the streets because prople will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial __________ will be conducted by computer.
cash 現金
currency 流通貨幣
★A,B,C第二組三劍客詞匯(97.1 69題 第一組 三劍客單詞)
C.transactions 結算 交易 交換 商務
trans(轉換) + action
A.transmissions 文化的 傳遞及傳播 廣播電視節(jié)目的衛(wèi)星傳送 疾病的傳播
B.transitions 過渡階段 社會制度轉型
D.ransformations 變型變質轉換
deformation 變態(tài)
69.(最難題之一)The __________ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.
A.implementation 實施 = carry out
B.expedition 遠征 探險(與explor的區(qū)別以后講)
C.demonstration 說明 演示 演習(demonstration fair 演示會)
D.manifestation 顯露…的跡象 提出理論的依據
70.The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increase _______ , a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.
A.circulation 發(fā)行 發(fā)行量
B.reproducion (生物體)復制 生殖 繁殖
C.manipulation (manipulate 操縱 掌控『貶義』)
D.prenetration 刺穿 進入

41.His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never ben to college.
C.hindered 【be hindered】
42.When trapped in drifting sadns , do not struggle , or you will be _____ in deeper.
A.absorbed 吸收 吞并 (高中詞 不考)
B.pushed (初中詞)
C.heaved (heave 舉起重物)
D.sucked (吸 吮)
trap 受困于 n.陷阱
entrapment trip 偷天陷阱
suck some body's brains 剽竊
reflesh 心曠神怡 耳目一新
43.To __________ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was food for him.
A.commence 開始(commencement n. 學位授予儀式)
★B.compromise 妥協(xié)
C.compensate 補償(compensition n.補償)
D.compliment 恭維 稱贊(complement n.補足物, [文法]補語, [數]余角 vt.補助, 補足)
negotiate 談判
negotiation n.
『98.6 第46題 4個答案都重要
Movie directors use music to ________ the action on the screen.
★A.contaminate 污染
★B.compliment 恭維 稱贊
★C.contemplate 沉思
★D.complement 與…相結合 與…互為補充
44.All visitors are requested to __________ with the regulations.
×B.agree (agree with)
C.assist 輔助(assistant 助理 assistant to 【是某人的助理一定要用to】)
D.consent (consent with = agree to do sth
adhere to 遵守
comply with 遵守
conform to 遵守 (符合……的需要 遵從……的標準)
with one consent 全體一致的 共同的
uniform n. 全體一致 制服 校服
unanimous 全體一致
45.The captain __________ the horizon for approaching ships.
A.scanned (scan 仔細的尋找和搜索)
B.scrutinized (六級書上位 scrutiny n 仔細 審查 監(jiān)察)scrutiny committee 監(jiān)察委員會
C.explored 探測(有科學目的的) (例如鄭和下西洋)
D.swept 打掃 消除 解除
approaching (approach 靠近 偏近 n 生活態(tài)度 價值去想)
46.The vast majority of people in any given culture will _________ to the established standards of that culture.(con前綴見44題 )
A.confine 限制 局限 confine sth/sb to
B.conform (conform to 符合……的標準)
×C.confront 面對(簡單)
×D.confirm 確信 確實
★cata 前綴 = down ; fully(完全)
catalogue 目錄
logue = say ;tell
catastrophe 災難 n.(catastrophic adj)
disaster 災難
disastrons adj
catagory 種類 部門
★circum 前綴
circumstance 環(huán)境
stan = stand
circum = around
cercuit 一圈 一周 周圍
circulate 流通
★com 前綴
⑴ together ⑵ with ⑶ wholly 完全
co-, col-,comb-,con-,cor-,
coalition 聯合 聯盟
cohere 粘著 連貫
collaborate 合作
laborate = work col= together (在一起工作)
collapse 倒塌 坍塌
concentrate (cent核心)
configuration 構造 外形
counter —— 前綴 代表相反的
counteract 反作用 相對作用
counterbalance 平衡力
47.Although he was on a diet, the food _________ him enormously.
▲A.inspired 啟發(fā)靈感 激發(fā) 激情(aspire 往上沖一根利劍)
【▲inspiration 靈感 ▲inspirational adj】
B.tempted 引誘(壞的 不良的引誘)(tempting = interesting 中性詞 It is tempting that……)
C.overcame 逾越 克服 be overcome by 被……占據(take over超車(overtake 【倒裝】超車) overnight 一夜之間 overhight rich
×D.encouraged 鼓勵
on a diet 減肥(menu 菜單【法語】)
48.His argument does not suggest that mankind can _______ to be wasteful in the utilization of these trsources.
▲A.resort (resort to 訴諸于 憑借于 resort n 歸宿 避難地 度假勝地)
B.grant v 同意 n 政府地福利和資助(take it for granted grant = agree with 【bond 國債 lottery 彩票(政府發(fā)行) ★infrastructure 基礎設施建設)
×C.afford (高中詞匯)【can/could afford sth 足夠支付…費用 can/could aford to be 冒風險 做某事承擔某事地責任)
D.entitle 給予…地權利 取名位(title核心)
argument 論點
utilization 利用
farmer 比 peasant 有文化
49.If you want this pain killer,you'll hace to ask the doctor for a _______.
A.receipt 收據 收條
B.recipe (法語)食譜
C.subscription ⑴ 捐贈 捐款 ⑵ 雜志或報紙的訂閱量【circulation n 發(fā)行量(35頁70題A)
D.prescription 處方藥
pain killer 止痛藥
v prescribe
morpline 麻醉藥
loop 圈
50.Some fish have a greater ________ for acid water than oters.
A.toleratance 容忍 忍耐力(耐藥性)
B.resistance 抵抗力
C.dependence 依賴性 賴藥性(independent 獨立的)
D.persistence 堅持 固執(zhí) 抗打擊能力
acid 酸
▲repel 抗拒 ▲defy 違抗 使不可能
51.There was once a town in this couontry where all life seemed to live in _______with its surroundings.
A.coincidence n 一致 巧合 (coincident adj 同時發(fā)生的)
B.harmony 和諧 n(disharmony 不和諧 disharmornious adj 【harmonious adj 和諧的】)
D.alliance 聯盟 聯合
52.The court considers a financial ________ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.
A.payment 支付的 款項付款
B.obligation 義務 職責
C.option v 選擇 n 期權
D.penalty 違反法律或者規(guī)則的懲罰 代價 n點球
appropriate 合適的 適合的
53.It is true that __________ a wild plant into a lajor food crop such as wheat requires much research time.(填培養(yǎng))
A.multiplying 動作的繁殖
B.breeding 培育 養(yǎng)育(動植物均可)【breeding n 一代人 new breeding 新新人類 anger generation 六十年代 憤怒的一代 beat generation 垮掉的一代】
C.magnifying 放大 夸大
D.generating 發(fā)電 能源的發(fā)出
★multi—多 多種
mono —
stereo 多聲道
monocracy 獨裁 統(tǒng)治
monopoly 壟斷 專賣
antitrust 反壟斷
trust 托拉斯
concern 康采恩
monopolize v 獨占 壟斷
monk 僧
solitary 孤獨的
nun 修女
monologue 獨白 獨腳戲
multitude 多數 民眾
54.The government has devoted a larger slice of its national ________ to agriculture than most other countries.
A.resources 資源【戶滿resoueces (HR)人力資源】
▲B.potential adj 潛在的 n 潛力
▲C.budget 預算
D.economy 經濟 n
global economy 全球經濟一體化
globalization 全球化
econmist 經濟學家
economics 經濟學
landing economics 土地經濟學
demographic economics 統(tǒng)計經濟學
economical 節(jié)約的 節(jié)儉的
55.In this poor country, surival is still leading industry; all else is _________.
A.luxury 拉丁詞 奢侈 奢華(LUX力士香皂)
B.accommodation⑴ 住宿 ⑵ 和解 調解(recommendation 推薦)
D.refreshment 精神爽快 心曠神怡
all else 其他 任何一切
56.some eciminals were printing _______ dollar bills until they were arrested.
A.dencent 體面的 優(yōu)雅的 合適的
B.fake 偽鈔 fakce dollar
C.patent 專利 adj 明顯的 【Intellectual(法語 知識) Property(財產) 知識產權 asset 財產 fortune 財富 fortunate 幸運(錢有關) elephant man (一貧如洗的人) a man with a good fortune(古英語)】
D.suspicious (考的概率。
suspect 懸掛 嫌疑犯
be suspicious about something 對某事感到懷疑
be suspicious of sb 對某人感到懷疑
suspicion n 懷疑
57.Mr. Bloom is not ________ now, but he will be famous someday.
A.significant 形容事務的重要性
B.dominant 更強有力的 顯著的 重要的(dominate v 占據 占領 占主導地位 board 排行榜 bill board 美國排行榜)
C.magnificent 書籍及衣物的精美的(不能形容人)
D.prominent 形容人的重要 顯赫的 重要的 (very important peason VIP 貴賓,VSP very significant person 侏儒)
58.His body temperature has been __________ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.
A.uncommon 不常見的 不常發(fā)生的
C.abnormal 不正常的
×D.extraordinary 特殊的
abuse 濫用
abortion 流產 墮胎
abrupt 突然的 唐突的
abstract 抽象的 摘要
abundant 豐富的 充足的
59.He seems to be _______ enough to climb to the mountain top tin an hour.
A.radiant 興高采烈的 狂喜的 興奮的
B.conscientious (重復)
C.conspicuous 顯著的(重復)【為了出名不擇手段】
D.energetic 運動時精力充沛 熱情專注 (貶義 形容頭腦簡單 四肢發(fā)達)
hill 500米以下
mountain 1000米以上的 代表山峰
60.Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more __________ to light than human eyes are.
×A.glowing 微弱的 沉悶的(興高采烈的意思)
B.brilliant 杰出的 (非常非常好的)outstanding (stand out)
C.sensitive 敏感的
D.gloomy 陰暗的 沮喪的 curve 折(皺紋 悉尼歌劇院上面的折)

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