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    Lesson 5

  abundant3adj. 豐富的,大量的,充足的

  語(yǔ)境記憶We have abundant proof of his guilt.


  abundantadviseclapconceal搭 配be abundant in 富于……

  辨 異abundant, plentiful:

  abundant 指雨水、魚(yú)、鳥(niǎo)等量大;plentiful指量的豐富,特指食物等。advise6vt.勸告,向……提意見(jiàn);建議;通知,告知vi.提供建?lt;/p>

  語(yǔ)境記憶 McKinnon advised against too much analysis of the playlist.


  搭 配advise sb. to do sth.建議某人做某事

  advise sb.not to do sth.

  against doing sth.建議某人不要做某事

  advise doing sth.建議干某事clapv. 拍手,鼓掌;拍(翅),振(翼)

  n. 拍手喝彩

  語(yǔ)境記憶She clapped her hands in delight.



  語(yǔ)境記憶He tried to conceal his heavy drinking from his family.

  他極力對(duì)家人隱瞞自己酗酒的事。搭 配對(duì)某人隱瞞某事

  hide/conceal sth.to sb.

  hide/conceal sth.from sb.

  辨 異conceal, hide:

  conceal 不暴露或不讓人認(rèn)出來(lái);

  hide 可與conceal互換,但比conceal少一些高級(jí)的意圖和手段。

  記憶方法concealment n.隱藏,隱匿contributecriticaldepositcontribute10vt.捐獻(xiàn),貢獻(xiàn);投稿vi.捐獻(xiàn),作出貢獻(xiàn);有助于,促成;投稿

  語(yǔ)境記憶 While tipping is not customary, guests are certainly encouraged to contribute to the Wakaya Community Christmas Fund.


  Now people in growing numbers believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


  記憶方法contribution n. 捐獻(xiàn)金

  contributor n. 捐獻(xiàn)者

  contributive adj. 有貢獻(xiàn)的critical17adj.決定性的,關(guān)鍵性的;批評(píng)的,評(píng)論的

  語(yǔ)境記憶If we cannot love unconditionally,love is already in a critical condition.


  In the current critical climate her work is not popular.


  搭 配be critical of sth.對(duì)某事物提出批評(píng)

  記憶方法criticize vt.批評(píng);criticism n.批語(yǔ),評(píng)論;critic n.評(píng)論者depositv. 存數(shù),寄存;儲(chǔ)蓄;(使)沉淀,(使)沉積

  n. 存款,保證金,定金;沉積的礦床

  語(yǔ)境記憶As the river slows down, it deposits rich soil at its bends.


  distressn. 憂(yōu)慮,悲傷,痛苦vt. 使憂(yōu)慮,使痛苦;貧困,困苦;危難,不幸

  語(yǔ)境記憶The Government acted quickly to relieve the widespread distress caused by the earthquake.



  語(yǔ)境記憶 Give credit where credit is due.


  Due to high tuition fee, most of ordinary families cannot afford to send their children to boarding schools.


  搭 配be due to 是由于

  due to 因……而產(chǎn)生

  in due time 在適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候errorn.錯(cuò)誤,謬誤

  語(yǔ)境記憶The accident was the result of human error.


  搭 配lead sb. into error 使某人犯錯(cuò)誤

  in error 錯(cuò)誤地

  辨 異error, mistake:

  error與mistake 這兩詞均指錯(cuò)誤過(guò)失,一般可以通用,但以下兩種情況中不可混用:

  在道德方面犯過(guò)失用error,而不用mistake;在一些固定用法中,如 by mistake,an error of judgement等。faultn.缺點(diǎn),毛。诲e(cuò)誤,過(guò)失;障礙vt.找……缺點(diǎn),挑剔

  語(yǔ)境記憶No one could fault his performance.


  A friend without faults will never be found.

  沒(méi)有缺點(diǎn)的朋友是永遠(yuǎn)找不到的。 搭 配find fault with 抱怨,挑剔

  without fault 確定

  辨 異fault, defect, weakness:

  fault 指小的缺點(diǎn);

  defect 由于缺少本質(zhì)的或重要的東西而不完善;

  weakness 指弱點(diǎn)或不足之處。gentleidealincrediblegentleadj.和藹的,溫和的;輕柔的,不猛烈的;不陡的,坡度小的

  語(yǔ)境記憶Be gentle with my best china!


  辨 異gentle, soft, mild:

  gentle 指事物的性質(zhì)不激烈的,人和動(dòng)物的行為友好的;

  soft 指物體在壓力下容易變形的,軟的;

  mild 溫和的,不強(qiáng)烈的。

  ideal18adj. 理想的,稱(chēng)心如意的;空想的,理想主義的;唯心的n. 理想;理想的東西(或人)

  語(yǔ)境記憶There is always a gap between ideal and reality.


  Without ideal, there is no secure direction.


  記憶方法ideal 理想

  idealism 理想主義

  real 現(xiàn)實(shí)的

  realism 現(xiàn)實(shí)主義incredible4adj. 難以相信的;不可思議的,驚人的

  語(yǔ)境記憶She’s an incredible actress.


  搭 配在It is incredible that從句中,從句用虛擬語(yǔ)氣。

  辨 異creditable 可稱(chēng)贊的;

  incredible 不能相信的;

  incredulous 深疑的;

  credulous 易信的,輕信的。landscape1n.風(fēng)景,景色,全景;風(fēng)景畫(huà)vt. 美化環(huán)境

  語(yǔ)境記憶 The fortress was partly landscaped.



  語(yǔ)境記憶The boom of the company is at the mercy of its shareholders.


  搭 配at the mercy of 任憑……處置,無(wú)能為力

  show mercy to 對(duì)……憐憫,仁慈

  have mercy on 憐憫……multiply5vt.使增加,倍增;使繁殖;乘,使相乘

  vi. 增加,繁殖

  語(yǔ)境記憶He who multiplies riches multiplies cares.


  搭 配multiply A and B把A和B相乘

  multiply A by B用B乘Apartnern. 合作者,伙伴,搭檔v.做……的搭檔

  語(yǔ)境記憶She was made a partner in the firm.


  persist6vi. 堅(jiān)持;持續(xù)

  語(yǔ)境記憶 The basic contradiction between environment and development persists.


  搭 配insist (on)

  persist indoing sth.堅(jiān)持做某事

  記憶方法persistence n.固執(zhí)

  persistent adj.不屈不撓的preciseadj. 精確的,準(zhǔn)確的;嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)?/P>

  語(yǔ)境記憶 One of Hubble’s key duties was to help astronomers determine a precise age for the universe.


  記憶方法preciseness n.精確

  precisely adv.精確地,確切地prospect8n. 景色,前景;前途;有希望的候選人

  語(yǔ)境記憶The prospects for this year’s wine harvest are poor.



  搭 配open up prospects for 為……開(kāi)辟前景

  in prospect 可期待recoverv. 收回,換回,重新找到;恢復(fù),痊愈

  語(yǔ)境記憶Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.


  搭 配recover from 從……中恢復(fù)

  recover one’s legs 腿傷恢復(fù)

  recover one’s health=recover from one’s illness恢復(fù)健康restrain5vt. 抑制,控制;阻止,制止

  語(yǔ)境記憶 These are minor wounds and brief, restrained encounters.


  搭 配restrain sb.from doing sth.阻止某人干某事

  restrain sb. of his liberty束縛某人自己。scarceadj. 缺乏的,不足的;罕見(jiàn)的,稀奇的,珍貴的

  語(yǔ)境記憶He’s in a bad mood,so I’ll make myself scarce.


  辨 異scarce,insufficient, scanty:

  scarce 指暫供應(yīng)不足;

  insufficient 不充足的,不能滿(mǎn)足需要的;scanty 指數(shù)量、程度方面不足。shield2n. 盾,盾形紋徽,盾狀物;(機(jī)器等的)護(hù)板,護(hù)幕 v. 保護(hù),防御

  語(yǔ)境記憶This car polish is an effective shield against rust.


  辨 異shield, safeguard, protect:

  shield 暗示用一件東西抵擋被害者來(lái)保護(hù),表示提供一個(gè)安全地或保護(hù)所;

  safeguard 暗示采取措施對(duì)付出現(xiàn)的危險(xiǎn);

  protect 表示提供遮蔽物或障礙物,以防受到傷害。succeedv. 成功,完成;繼續(xù),繼任;繼承,承襲

  語(yǔ)境記憶The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities.


  A man can succeed at almost anything for which he was unlimited enthusiasm.


  shieldsucceedtreasurevariationworth搭 配succeed in (doing) sth. 成功地做……

  succeed to 繼承

  succeed sb. as繼某人出任

  succeed sb. in 繼某人接管treasuren. 財(cái)富,財(cái)寶;受重視,被視為珍寶的人或物vt. 儲(chǔ)藏,珍藏;重視,珍惜

  語(yǔ)境記憶He treasures your letters.


  variation2 n. 不同,變化,差異,變動(dòng);(生物的)物種變異,變異的物種,變種;變奏曲

  語(yǔ)境記憶British English ,American English, Australian English and South African English are the major variation of the English language.


  worth18 adj. 值……的,價(jià)值相當(dāng)于……的 ;值得……的,有……價(jià)值的n. 價(jià)值,人或物的價(jià)值,值某一價(jià)值的量

  語(yǔ)境記憶I only hope you feel it was worth the wait when you finally read it.


  搭 配worth it 值得;有益

  be worth doing (事)值得做

  辨 異worth,value:


  1.When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at .


  2.Before we move, we should some of the old furniture, so that we can have more room in the new house.

  A. discard B. dissipateC. cancel D. conceal

  3.It was clear that the small grocer was people who he owed money to.

  A.at the expense ofB.at the risk of

  C.in the way ofD.at the mercy of

  4.Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest of being met.


  5.Some people criticize family doctors fortoo many medicines for minor illnesses.

  A.prescribing B.ordering C.advising D.delivering

  6.It is ratherthat we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.

  A.misleading B.embarrassing

  C.boring D.demanding

  7.A friendship may be ,casual, situational or deep and lasting.

  A.identical B.original C.superficial D.critical

  8.I am afraid that you have to alter your views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.

  A.indifferent B.distressing

  C.optimistic D.pessimistic

  9.They stood gazing at the happyof children playing in the park.

  A.perspective B.view C.landscape D.scene

  10.Even though he was guilty, the judge did not send him to prison.

  A.merciful B.impartial

  C.conscientious D.conspicuous

  1.wrong 和 fault 均有“錯(cuò)誤、毛病”之意,at fault 是習(xí)語(yǔ),意為“有毛病,是問(wèn)題之所在”,而 wrong 經(jīng)常用于 in the wrong 這一結(jié)構(gòu)中。


  3.at the mercy of 在……支配下,在……擺布下,用于人時(shí)一般是貶義。

  4.prospect 希望;prediction 預(yù)測(cè),預(yù)言;prosperity 興旺;permission 同意。


  prescribing 開(kāi)藥,處方;ordering 命令,訂購(gòu),指示;advising 建議,通知,通告;delivering 發(fā)送,接生,傳送。

  6.使我們感到苦惱的是,我們?nèi)匀徊恢喇?dāng)今世界上究竟有多少物種。misleading 誤導(dǎo),誤信;embarrassing 令人尷尬的;boring 令人厭煩的,令人乏味的;demanding 難度很大的,要求很高的,很費(fèi)力的。

  7.友誼可以是膚淺的,隨意的,根據(jù)情況的或者深厚并且長(zhǎng)久的。identical 同一的,完全的;original 原先的,起初的;superficial表面的,膚淺的;critical批評(píng)的,挑剔的,評(píng)判的。

  8.鑒于剛剛傳來(lái)的不幸消息,你的樂(lè)觀想法恐怕得變一變了。indifferent 不在乎的,冷漠的,不注意的;distressing 令人失望的,使人痛苦的;optimistic 樂(lè)觀的;pessimistic 悲觀的。


  perspective視角,看法;view 觀點(diǎn),風(fēng)景,視線;landscape 風(fēng)景畫(huà),景象;scene情景。



  An old lady who was very deaf and who thought everything too dear, went into a shop and asked the shopman:"How much is this stuff?"

  "Seven dollars, Madam, it is very cheap. "The lady said, "It is too much, give it to me for fourteen.""I did not say seventeen dollars, but seven."

  "It is still too much,"replied the old lady, "give it to me for five."



  "七美元,太太,這是很便宜的。" 老太太說(shuō):"太貴了,十四美元差不多。"


