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  ally n.盟國,同盟者

  alliance n.結(聯)盟,聯姻

  經典例句“Times Square is New York”, said Tim Tompkins of the Times Square Alliance, which helps run the square.時代廣場聯盟的蒂姆·湯普金斯說:“時代廣場就是紐約。 ”時代廣場聯盟負責管理廣場事務。

  考點提要enter into alliance with sb.與……結盟;in alliance with 與……聯盟



  alphabet n.①字母表②符號系統(tǒng)

  alphabeticaladj. 按字母表順序的

  alphabeticallyadv. 按字母表順序地


  already adv.早已,已經

  經典例句A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.害怕痛苦的人其實已經在承受他所害怕的痛苦了。

  詞匯辨析already,yet,all ready:



  all ready 全部準備好了。


  alter vt.改變,改作

  經典例句Circumstances alter cases.具體情況具體分析。

  詞根記憶alter (其他的)變成〔其他的〕變更,改變

  alternative1 adj.兩者挑一的,可供選擇的


  考點提要have no alternative but to do除……外別無選擇





  ambulance n.①救護車②戰(zhàn)地醫(yī)院

  經典例句GNAAS, which needs charitable donations of more than £2m a year, has three air ambulances. 北部空中救護服務中心每年需要200萬英鎊的慈善捐款,該中心擁有三架空中救護機。

  詞根記憶ambul (行走,走路)+ ance 走的東西救護車

  ambition1 n.雄心,抱負,野心

  經典例句Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 不到黃河心不死。

  記憶方法ambitious adj.有雄心的;有抱負的

  ambitious2 adj. 有雄心的,野心勃勃的

  詞根記憶amb(大)+ it (行走) +ious 有雄心的


  amuse2 vt.逗樂,娛樂,消遣

  經典例句Little things amuse little minds. 小人志卑。

  記憶方法派生詞:amusement n.娛樂

  amusementn. 消遣,娛樂

  museum n. 博物館,展覽館

  經典例句Scientists at the Hunterian museum at the University of Glasgow are still unsure exactly what kind of beasts left the tracks.格拉斯古大學赫特萊恩博物館的科學家們仍無法確定這是何種野獸所留下的足跡。


  analyse(-ze) vt.分析,細察,細查

  analysis n.分析,分解

  經典例句In the final analysis, China’s peace and development as well as the growing prosperity of the 1.3 billion Chinese people are very important contributions to the progress of the humanity.


  考點提要on/upon analysis經分析;to make an analysis of=to analyse分析;in the final/last analysis經最后分析認為……


  analytic(al) adj. 分析的,分解的

  經典例句Chinese is an analytic language which depends on the invariable roots and word order to indicate its grammatical relations.漢語是分析型語言,其語法關系取決于不變的詞根和詞序。

  analytically adv. 以分析的方法(觀點)

  Practice Test 1

  1.The writer was soin her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room.

  A. absorbedB. abandonedC. focusedD. centered

  2.The company is trying every means tothe wholesale price of its products.

  A. pull downB. put down C. set downD. bring down

  3.For professional athletes , _______ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.

  A. accessB. attachment C. appealD. approach

  4.It is a well-known fact that the cat familylions and tigers.

  A. enrichesB. embraces

  C. adoptsD. accommodates

  5.The reason why so many children like to eat this new brand of biscuit is that it is particularly sweet and.

  A. brisk B. crisp C. feeble D. fragile

  6.The subject of safety must be placed at the top of the.

  A. agendaB. bulletinC. routineD. timetable

  7.In order to keep the line moving, customers with lengthy ____are required to do their banking inside.

  A. transit B. transactions C. turnover D. tempos

  8. The sign set up by the roaddrivers to a sharp turn.

  A. alerts B. refreshes C. pleads D. diverts

  9.Professor Smith and Professor Brown willin presenting the series of lectures on American literature.

  A. alter B. alternate C. substitute D. exchange

  10.The doctors don’t_____ that the patient will live much longer.

  A. monitor B. manifestC. articulate D. anticipate

  11. The first sentence in this paragraph is ; it can be interpreted in many ways.

  A. intricateB. ambiguous C. duplicatedD. confused

  12.Shoes of this kind areto slip on wet ground.

  A. feasible B. appropriate C. apt D. fitting

  13.Fortune-tellers are good at marking statements such as “Your sorrows will change.”



  14.Although the colonists to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

  A. migratedB. matchedC. mingledD. melted


  1.A題意:作家專心于寫作, 沒有注意到他進入房間。本題為詞義辨析題。A.absorb吸收, 正確選項;常用句型為be absorbed in sth專心于……;B.abandon放棄 ;C.focus 常用句型為focus …on …,例如:focus one’s attention / thoughts on a matter 集中注意力 / 思想于某事;D.center集中,例如:center on a point / person/ thing集中于某一點、某人、某事; center round a spot以某地為中心。

  2.D題意:這家公司想方設法降低產品的批發(fā)價格。本題考查要點是與down連用的動詞短語A.pull down拆除(房子),拉下;B.put down放下, 縮減;C.set down卸下,記下,制定(規(guī)則);D.bring down降低(物價), 為正確選項。

  3.A題意:對職業(yè)運動員而言,參加奧運會就意味著有機會被載入史冊。 這是一道名詞形近詞辨析題。A.access進入, 可與to連用, 表示進入某地, 接近某人;B.attachment附屬物, 情感;可與to連用,意思與題意不符;C.appeal吸引力, 懇求。做名詞時常與for連用, appeal作為動詞用時可與to連用;D.approach方法, 途徑,接近, 通路,可與to連用。后三個選項雖可與to連用, 但與題意不符合。

  4.B題意:眾所周知,獅子和老虎是貓科動物。動詞詞義辨析本題的關鍵是要看懂空格前的“the cat family”是貓科的意思,根據常識,獅、虎都是貓科動物,故空格處應是“包括”的意思,即是B.。也就沒有必要考慮其它的選項了,它們分別是:A.使……豐富;C.收養(yǎng);D.為……提供住處。

  5.B題意:這么多孩子喜歡吃這種新牌子的餅干是因為它非常甜、非常脆。綜合辨析 根據題意,是說這種餅干又甜又脆,B.“脆的”,最為合適。A.與B.是形近詞,二者意思上相差巨大,A.是"輕快的、活潑的"之意,無法修飾餅干;D.與B.是近義詞辨析,但fragile強調的是"易碎的",如The thin glass is fragile。此外,fragile還有"虛弱的"意思,與C.相近,這可能是為什么把C.作為干擾項的原因。

  6.A題意:安全的問題必須放在首位。place … at the top of the agenda可算是一個常用的說法,意思是“將……賦予最大的重要性”。

  7.B題意:為了使隊伍移動起來,一些需要做大量交易的顧客被要求到銀行內完成。這是一道關于名詞的辨析題。A.transit 經過,搬運,運輸;C.turnover 營業(yè)額,翻轉;D.tempo (音樂的)速度、拍子,發(fā)展速度。三項均不符合題意。B.transaction 交易,事物。

  8.A題意:路邊的標志是為了提醒司機馬上會有一個急轉彎。這是一道關于動詞的辨析題。B.refresh 使精神振作,恢復;C.plead 辯護,懇求;D.divert 轉移,轉向。三項均不符合題意。A.alert 警惕,警告。

  9.B題意:史密斯教授和布朗教授輪流做關于美國文化系列講座的演講。這是一道關于意義相近的動詞的辨析題。A.alter 改變;C.substitute 代替,替換;D.exchange 交換,交流。三項均不符合題意。B.alternate 交替,輪流。

  10.D題意:醫(yī)生覺得這位病人將不久于人世。這是一道關于動詞的辨析題。A.monitor 監(jiān)控;B.manifest 表明,顯示;C.articulate 清晰明白的說。三項均不符合題意。D.anticipate 預期,預見。



  13.C題意:算命者善于說些像“你的痛苦將要改變”之類的含糊其辭的話。形容詞辨義。A.philosophical 哲學的;B.invalid 無效的,作廢的;C.ambiguous 含糊其辭的;D.literal 按照字義的,逐字的。根據題意,C項正確。

  14.C題意:盡管殖民者在一定程度上和美國當地的土著居民有所融合,但是印第安人對美國文化和語言的影響并不大。近義動詞辨義。A. migrate意為:(1)“移動;(短期)移居”,(2)(鳥或魚的)遷徙;B. match意為:(1)相等,(發(fā)現找到)相等物;(2) 相似,相配;C. mingle意為“混合,混入”,與with或together連用;D. melt意為“使……溶化”。 

  開 心 一 刻

  Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy."

  Her mother interrupted and said. "Julie, why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"

  And Julie replied, "Because that's what I put in my geography exam!"



