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  “ as …… as …… ”是大家熟悉的一種結(jié)構(gòu),常譯為“像……一樣”。但在實際應(yīng)用中,會有例外。如在《大學(xué)體驗英語》中有這樣一個句子:

  Anti-virus software plays one, albeit important, part in the defense of your company from malicious attack but the security of your computer system is only as strong as the weakest link. And that, more often than not, is the human factor.

  在這里,將 as …… as …… 譯為“像……一樣”,顯然是行不通的。如何解決這一問題?我們可以從 as …… as …… 的結(jié)構(gòu)入手,分析一下它的用法。

當(dāng)主語是同一性質(zhì)的事物比較時, as …… as …… 解釋為“同……一樣”

  例: John is as bright as Bob. 約翰和鮑博一樣聰明。

  2. 當(dāng) as …… as …… 結(jié)構(gòu)的主語相同,而比較項目不同,即把同一事物兩種不同性質(zhì)的方面等同比較時,相當(dāng)于 both …… and …… ,可譯為“既……又……”

  例: He is as brave as wise. 他既勇敢又聰明。

  She is as gifted as diligent. 她不但有天賦,而且勤奮。


  除此以外, as …… as…… 還有以下幾種用法 as …… as …… 結(jié)構(gòu)的兩個主語和兩個比較項目都不同,即把兩個不同的人和物在不同的方面比較時,相當(dāng)于 whereas ,可譯為“而”。

  例: He was as experienced as his brother was green. 他經(jīng)驗豐富,而他的弟弟則涉世未深。

  The prisons are as over-crowded as the farmlands are empty. 監(jiān)獄里人滿為患,而地里卻無人耕作。

  2. 當(dāng) as …… as …… 的結(jié)構(gòu)后面連接 can / any / ever / possible / 等詞時,表示最高級的意思,可譯為“極其,最好或盡量”。

  例: He is as wrong as wrong can be. 他大錯特錯了。

  This is as fair a land as ever. 這是一片最美的土地。

  3. 當(dāng) as …… as …… 結(jié)構(gòu)后面表示重量、數(shù)量、時間、距離等計量名詞時,相當(dāng)于 up to ,表示程度,可譯為“達到……”。

  例: The river is as deep as 10 meters. 此河深達 10 米。

  At night, the temperature on the moon may be as low as -160 ℃ . 在夜晚,月球的溫度可能低至零下 160 度。

  as …… as …… 結(jié)構(gòu)還有一些固定搭配的詞組,其中意思也難于從字面上猜測,如 as good as 簡直是 / 幾乎等于, as soon as not 更愿意, as likely as not 很可能, as often as not 往往 / 常常,這些需要平時多加積累和注意。

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