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來源:考試吧 2015-05-14 17:59:17 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫
第 1 頁:模擬試卷
第 3 頁:答案及解析



  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

  Directions: There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

  Joblessness is far more than an economic misfortune.It can be a psychological disaster for the unemployed and their families.It can cause illness,divide families and create a downward spiral of feelings of worthlessness and lack of selfesteem.According to research done by M. Harvery Brenner,associate professor of health at Johns Hopkins University,every 1% increase in the unemployment rate translates into 37,000 deaths over the next 6 years,including over 20,000 deaths from heart attcks,900 suicides and nearly 500 deaths from cirrhosis of the liver.In addition,Brenner estimates that 7,500 unemployed or their families will be admitted to prison after committing a crime or to a mental hospital.“The impact goes well beyond the individual who loses a job,”said Brenner.“stress caused by economic factors affects our national life at every level.”

  Men who have been socialized as the family breadwinner are especially hard hit by unemployment.They suffer greater depression and anxiety and have a higher possibility of psychotic behavior than men who are employed.“Nine months seems to be a crucial point when hope and patience give out,”said a leading psychologist.

  After that,“illness,suicide,alcoholism,divorce,and even crime grow at epidemic rate.”

  Left without a job,many workers feel they have nothing to look forward to.They miss their coworkers and the routine of going to work.For many,the sense of hopelessness grows worse every time they are rejected for a new job.When this happens often enough,the rejection unemployed workers feel may be exacerbated if some friends and neighbors avoid them as if they had a contagious disease.

  21. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

  A.Joblessness is an economic misfortune.

  B. Joblessness is a psychological disaster for the unemployed and their families.

  C.Joblessness can cause the unemployed to commit suicide.

  D.Joblessness is a contagious disease. 

  22. In what way does the unemployment affect the unemplayed and their families?

  A.It makes them ill.

  B.It causes the divorce.

  C.it creates a feeling of worthlessness and lack of selfesteem.

  D.All above. 

  23. According to M. Harvey Brenner's research,if there is 1% increase in the unemployment rate,how many people will die from cirrhosis of the liver?

  A.37,000 B.20,000 C.900 D.500 

  24. If a man has been unemployed for a year,he ____.

  A.will be happy and relieved. B.will be hopeless.

  C.will lose patience D.both B and C 

  25. What is the best title for this passage?

  A.An Economic Misfortune. B.The Harm of Joblessness

  C.An Scientific Research D.How to Treat The Unemployed 

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

  Ironically,in the United States,a country of immigrants,prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems.There was often tension between each established group of immigrants and each succeeding group.As each group became more financially successful,and more powerful,they excluded newcomers from full participation in the society.Prejudice and discrimination are part of our history,however,this prejudicial treatment of different groups is nowhere more unjust than with black Americans.

  Blacks had distinct disadvantages.For the most part,they came to the “l(fā)and of opportunity”as slaves and they were not free to keep their heritage and cultural traditions.Unlike most European immigrants,blacks did not have the protection of a support group;sometimes slaveowners separated members of the same family.

  They could not mix easily with the established society either because of their skin color.It was difficult for them to adapt to the American culture.Even after they became free people,they still experienced discrimination in employment,housing,education,and even in public facilities,such as restroom.

  26. Prejudice and discrimination____.

  A.were gone

  B.have been existing in the American society

  C.don't exclude new immigrants from participation in the society

  D.are mainly caused by the slavery 

  27. Established and succeeding immigrants____.

  A.were reluctant to help newcomers to adapt to the new surroundings

  B.were willing to support newcomers financially

  C.were great helpers of slaves and Indians

  D.were treated unequally by American Indians 

  28. One of the reasons why black Americans could not easily mix in American society is____.

  A.that most Americans are immigrants

  B.due to their skin color

  C.that they speak their language differently from Americans

  D.that they were free to keep their heritage 

  29. The author specifically mentions that____.

  A.black Americans are most prejudicially treated in the U.S.

  B.discrimination in the South was not more obvious than in the North

  C.the situation of blacks is almost the same today as it was in the 1930s

  D. after blacks became free people they didn't experience discrimination in employment and public facilities 

  30. The attitude of the author is____.

  A.favorable B.praising C.indifferent D.sarcastic 

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

  About 50 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sports was never heard of.But when the annual games for the disabled were started at Stroke Mandeville,England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann,the situation began to change.Sir Ludwig Guttmann,who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany,had been asked by the British government to set up an injuries centre at stoke Mandeville Hospital near London.His ideas about treating injuries included sports for the disabled.

  In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part.The next year,1949,five teams took part.From those beginnings things developed fast.Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year.In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome.Now,every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held,if possible,in the same place as the normal Olympic Games,although they are organized separately.In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville.In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games,1604 wheelchair athletes from about 40 countries took part.Unfortunately,they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles,along with the other Olympics.

  The Games have been a great success in promoting international friendship and understanding,and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can't enjoy sports.One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games,however,has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to include the disabled events at the Olympic Games for the ablebodied.Perhaps a few more years are still needed to convince those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should not be excluded.

  31. The first games for the disabled were held____after Sir Ludwing Guttmann arrived in England.

  A.50 years B.21 years C.9 years D.4 years 

  32. Beside Stoke Mandeville,surely the games for the disabled were once held in____.

  A.New York B.London C.Rome D.Los Angeles 

  33. In paragraph 2,the word “athlete” means____.

  A.people who support the games B.people who watch the games

  C.people who organize the games D.people who compete in the games 

  34. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an early organizer of the games for the disabled.

  B.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an injured soldier.

  C.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is from Germany.

  D.Sir Ludwig Guttmann is welcomed by the British. 

  35. From the passage we may conclude that writer is____.

  A.one of the organizers of the games for the disabled

  B.a disabled who once took part in the games

  C.against holding the games for the disabled

  D.in favor of holding the game for the disabled

  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

  The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea.He was Prince Henry of Portugal,the younger son of the Partuguese king and an English princess. Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century.As a boy he became devoted to the sea,and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them.In 1416,when he was twentytwo,Henry founded a school for mariners, to which he invited everyone who could help him—Jewish astronomers,Italian and Spanish sailors,and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew to use the crude compass of the day and could improve it.

  Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore.The caravel carried more sail and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made,yet was tough enough to withstand gales at sea.He also developed the carrack,which was a slower ship,but one that was capable of carrying more cargo. To Prince Henry the world owes credit for development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible.He lives in history as Henry the Navigator.

  36. Henry the Navigator was a member of the royal family of____.

  A.England B.Spain C.Italy D.Portugal 

  37. Prince Henry started his school for the purpose of____.

  A.helping mariners

  B.improving ship design and sailing methods

  C.studying astronomy and mathematics

  D.improving his own skill as a sailor 

  38. The teachers in Prince Henry's school seem to have been____.

  A.members of the royal family

  B.astronomers,sailors and map makers


  D.All of the above 

  39. Prince Henry's goal was to design vessels that could____.

  A.make long deepsea voyages

  B.travel faster than those in use at that time

  C.explore the coastline of Portugal

  D.carry larger crews and more cargo than existing one 

  40. The best title for this passage is

  A.The First Modern Sailing Vessels

  B.The Mariner Prince

  C.Prince Henry's Role in History

  D.The First School for Sailors 


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