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來源:考試吧 2015-10-27 20:24:53 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫
第 1 頁:模擬試題
第 3 頁:參考答案及解析

  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: 

  The most interesting architectural phenomenon of the 1970's was the enthusiasm for refurbishing old buildings. Obviously, this was not an entirely new phenomenon. What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive rehabilitation. A few trial efforts, such as Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, proved their financial viability in the 1960's, but it was in the 1970's, with strong government support through tax incentives and rapid depreciation, as well as growing interest in ecology issues, that recycling became a major factor on the urban scene.

  One of the most comprehensive ventures was the restoration and transformation of Boston's eighteenth century Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market, designed in

  1824. This section had fallen on hard times, but beginning with the construction of a new city hall immediately adjacent, it has returned to life with the intelligent reuse of these fine old buildings under the design leadership of Benjamin Thompson. He has provided a marvelous setting for dining, shopping, professional offices, and simply walking.

  Butler Square, in Minneapolis, examplifies major changes in its complex of offices, commercial space, and public amenities carved out of a massive pile designed in 1906 as a hardware warehouse. The exciting interior timber structure of the building was highlighted by cutting light courts through the interior and adding large skylights. 

  San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay. Rather than bringing in the bulldozers, San Antonio's leaders rehabilitated existing structures, while simultaneously cleaning up the San Antonio River, which meanders through the business district. 

  36. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A) During the 1970's, old buildings in many cities were recycled for modern

  use. 

  B) Recent interest in ecology issues has led to the cleaning up of many rivers. C) The San Antonio example shows that bulldozers are not the way to fight u

  rban decay. 

  D) Strong government support has made adaptive rehabilitation a reality in

  Boston. 

  37. What is the space at Quincy Market now used for?

  A) Boston's new city hall.

  B) Sports and recreational facilities.

  C) Commercial and industrial warehouses.

  D) Restaurants, offices, and stores. 

  38. According to the passage, Benjamin Thompson was the designer for a proje

  ct in ____.

  A) San Francisco B) Boston 

  C) Minneapolis D) San Antonio 

  39. When was the Butler Square building originally built?

  A) In the eighteenth century.

  B) In the early nineteenth century.

  C) In the late nineteenth century.

  D) In the early twentieth century.

  40. What is the author's opinion of the San Antonio project?

  A) It is clearly the best of the projects discussed.

  B) It is a good project that could be copied in other cities.

  C) The extensive use of bulldozers made the project unnecessarily costly.

  D) The work done on the river was more important than the work done on the

  buildings. 

  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes) 

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 

  41. The undersea world is wellknown as a source of natural beauty and a 

  ____ to human fantasy.

  A) gleam B) magnitude 

  C) faction D) stimulus 

  42. Too many hotels have been built and this has ____ down prices, making holidays cheaper.

  A) forced B) slowed

  C) cut D) reduced 

  43. The climber was ____ from the top of the cliff on a

  rope held by his friends.

  A) exhausted B) relieved

  C) suspended D) isolated 

  44. We can't understand Uncle George, for he always ____

   whatever he says.

  A) masters B) mumbles

  C) molests D) muzzles 

  45. You haven't really answered the question, for what you said is not ____.

  A) eligible B) pertinent

  C) provident D) expeditious 

  46. Always a clear diplomat, he ____ one potential eney of his country against another, so he kept them divided.

  A) played down B) played on 

  C) played with D) played off 

  47. His illness would ____ his progress of study.

  A) cast B) conclude

  C) obstruct D) block 

  48. A beautiful autumn day like this ____ for the wet summer we have had.

  A) compensates B) revenges

  C) balances D) compels 

  49. Do you have a ____ of ownership for this car?

  A) document B) label

  C) passport D) certificate 

  50. Ronny's steps ____, and there was a moment of absolute silence.

  A) died down B) died away

  C) died off D) died out 

  51. After practising for several weeks, Peter decided to ___.

  A) contrive B) comprise

  C) confirm D) compete 

  52. When the pipe broke, the water ____ out violently.

  A) trickled B) gushed

  C) stirred D) flitted 

  53. Few people ____ this department store because it didn't sell good clothing.

  A) accused B) recited

  C) patronized D) advertized 

  54. The ____ between them has been made.

  A) contention B) concord

  C) conjunction D) commune 

  55. It's hard to ____ someone so selfish.

  A) feel like B) feel out

  C) feel for D) feel towards 

  56. The apple tree ____ the field, dropping its flowers

  on the grass.

  A) leaned on B) leaned to

  C) leaned over D) leaned towards 

  57. Why are you always so ____? You never smile or look


  A) angry B) sorry

  C) unfortunate D) miserable 

  58. You must remember to ____ all your belongs out of this classroom today.

  A) fetch B) take away

  C) bring D) take 

  59. The ____, while worrying, does not mean a total loss, as the jewels were insured for $ 30,000.

  A) robber B) robbery

  C) rubbish D) robot 

  60. I have often wondered who first ____ that simple but profound truth.

  A) urged B) uttered

  C) buttered D) sponsored 

  61. We'd better wait inside until the storm ____.

  A) transmits B) distorts

  C) migrates D) subsides 

  62. I have not found my book yet; in fact, I am not sure ____ I could have done with it.

  A) whether B) where

  C) when D) what 

  63. His mother bought a ____ chunk of meat.

  A) massive B) excessive

  C) extravagant D) plentiful 

  64. He was interested only in the story and ____ all those passages of landscape description.

  A) thought badly of B) went over

  C) made fun of D) passed over 

  65. If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you will ____ the chance of getting your money back.

  A) take B) forfeit

  C) stand D) get 

  66. The winter was close ____, she had no clothes, and

  now she was out of work.

  A) severe B) far away

  C) mild D) at hand 

  67. Jim and Mike tried to move the large rock but they could not ____ it.

  A) arouse B) provoke

  C) budge D) dodge 

  68. His ____ and experience make him an excellent person for this job.

  A) competence B) complacency

  C) compensation D) compunction 

  69. In that year the ____ of infectious diseases in the

  United Kingdom was high.

  A) rate B) ratio

  C) frequency D) incidence 

  70. I think I've grasped your main proposals, but would you mind ____ them once again?

  A) running out B) running into

  C) running through D) running for 

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “The 1998 Summer Flood”. You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 

  1. 洪水所造成的損失:受災面積……,傷亡人數(shù)……,經(jīng)濟損失……元,受災最為嚴

  重的省份是…… 

  2. 江主席、黨中央十分關(guān)心受災地區(qū)和人民,親自指揮抗洪搶險,取得了最后勝利。

  3. 抗洪的勝利說明了什么?


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